DhStyleBase | +--DhElement | +--DhHotSpotpublic class DhHotSpot
Represents a hotspot in an image map. A hotspot is an area within the map that a user can click to jump to a URL. DhHotSpot objects are to be added to DhImageMap objects.
Name | Description |
SHAPE_CIRCLE | The hotspot is of circular shape. |
SHAPE_POLYGON | The hotspot is of polygon shape. |
SHAPE_RECTANGLE | The hotspot is of rectangluar shape. |
Name | Description |
DhHotSpot() | Creates a rectangle of 0 height and 0 width. |
DhHotSpot( int nShape, String strCoords, String strUrl ) | One-step constructor. |
DhHotSpot( int nShape, String strCoords, DhHyperlink hl ) | One-step constructor. |
DhHotSpot( Rectangle r ) | Topic under construction. |
DhHotSpot( Polygon p ) | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
getAltText() | Retreives the current alternate text string that is displayed if the browser cannot display the image. |
getCoords() | Retreives the current coordinate string. |
getCoordsIntArray() | Retrieves a integer array representing the current coordinate string. |
getShape() | Returns the current shape constant. |
getTargetWindow() | Retrieves the target window for this hotspot. |
getURL() | Retrieves the URL to navigate to if the user selects this DhHotSpot. |
setAltText( String strAltText ) | Sets the alternate text for the hotspot if the browser cannot display the image. |
setCoords( int[] nCoordArray ) | Sets the coordiante string for this DhHotSpot using an array of integers. |
setCoords( String strCoords ) | Sets the current coordinate string. |
setCoords( Polygon p ) | Topic under construction. |
setFromHyperlink( DhHyperlink hl ) | Sets the URL and target window of this DhHotSpot equal to those set in the DhHyperlink specified. |
setShape( int nShape ) | Sets the shape of this DhHotSpot. |
setTargetWindow( String strTargetWnd ) | Sets the target window for this hotspot. |
setURL( String strUrl ) | Sets the URL for this DhHotSpot to navigate to. |
Example: "12, 19, 7"
Example: "10,10,15,15,5,15" creates a triangle
Example: "5,5,10,20"
Creates a rectangle of 0 height and 0 width. This is the default.
One-step constructor.
One-step constructor.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Retreives the current alternate text string that is displayed if the browser cannot display the image.
Returns the string of the current coordinates.
Retreives the current coordinate string.
Returns an array of integers.
Retrieves a integer array representing the current coordinate string.
Returns The shape.
Returns the current shape constant.
Returns the target window name.
Retrieves the target window for this hotspot.
Returns the current URL.
Retrieves the URL to navigate to if the user selects this DhHotSpot.
Sets the alternate text for the hotspot if the browser cannot display the image.
Sets the coordiante string for this DhHotSpot using an array of integers.
RuntimeException thrown if the coordinates do not match the current shape type.
Sets the current coordinate string.
RuntimeException thrown if the coordinates do not match the current shape type.
Topic under construction.
Sets the URL and target window of this DhHotSpot equal to those set in the DhHyperlink specified.
Sets the shape of this DhHotSpot.
Sets the target window for this hotspot.
Sets the URL for this DhHotSpot to navigate to.