DhTable | +--DhODBCTablepublic class DhODBCTable
Represents an HTML table that can be populated with data from any ODBC data source. This table works on the server or on the client.
Name | Description |
DhODBCTable() | Creates a DhODBCTable object. |
DhODBCTable( String strConnection, String strSQL, dhRow repeaterRow ) | Creates a DhODBCTable object. |
Name | Description |
close() | Closes the record set and the connection to the data source. |
execute( String strCommand ) | Runs the specified command string query on the database indicated by the connection string. |
execute( String strCommand, int options ) | Runs the specified command string query on the database indicated by the connection string. |
getAutoHeader( ) | Retrieves the current header generation mode. |
getConnectionString() | Retrieves the connection string and query string that will be used to create the table. |
getRangeEnd() | Retrieves the end of the current record range. |
getRangeStart() | Retrieves the beginning of the current record range. |
getSQL() | Retrieves the query string that will be used to create the table. |
onColumnData( String strColName, String strColData, Object srcField ) | Retrieves column values for fields in the underlying data table. |
open() | Connects to the data source and creates a new recordset. |
setAutoHeader( boolean fAuto ) | Enables or disables automatic generation of column headings. |
setConnectionString( String strConnection ) | Sets the connection string and query string that will be used to create the table. |
setPageSize( int nPageSize ) | Sets the number of records to be displayed per page. |
setRecordRange( int nStartRecord, int nEndRecord ) | Sets the range of records that will be displayed in the table. |
setSQL( String strSQL, DhRow repeaterRow ) | Sets the query string that will be used to create the table. |
showNextPage() | Displays the next page of data in the table. |
showPreviousPage() | Displays the previous page of data in the table. |
Creates a DhODBCTable object. This is the default constructor.
Creates a DhODBCTable object. This constructor inititalizes the connection string and query string that will be used to create the table.
Closes the record set and the connection to the data source.
Returns true if the command was successful; otherwise, returns false.
Runs the specified command string query on the database indicated by the connection string.
Returns true if the command was successful; otherwise, returns false.
Runs the specified command string query on the database indicated by the connection string.
Returns true if a header row will be created; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves the current header generation mode.
Returns the connection string.
Retrieves the connection string and query string that will be used to create the table.
Returns the end of the record range. The default is -1, indicating records will be displayed until the end of the recordset.
Retrieves the end of the current record range.
Returns the beginning of the record range. The default is 0.
Retrieves the beginning of the current record range.
Returns the SQL query string to retrieve the data.
Retrieves the query string that will be used to create the table.
Returns the desired field string value.
Retrieves column values for fields in the underlying data table. This method will be called by the framework on each field value. Returns the string representation you want to be displayed for that field, or strColData to use the default. You can override this method to provide special handling of column values.
Returns true if the recordset was created successfully; otherwise, returns false.
Connects to the data source and creates a new recordset.
Enables or disables automatic generation of column headings. If enabled, a heading row with the column names is automatically added to the table when it is generated.
Sets the connection string and query string that will be used to create the table.
Sets the number of records to be displayed per page.
Sets the range of records that will be displayed in the table. These numbers reflect absolute, zero-based record positions.
Sets the query string that will be used to create the table. If the requested query is different from the current query and a connection is open, the new query is run immediately.
Displays the next page of data in the table. This method updates the record range start and end properties.
Displays the previous page of data in the table. This method updates the record range start and end properties.