Enum | +--DhCursorEnumpublic class DhCursorEnum
Defines constants for controlling an element's cursor style. For more information on setting cursor styles, see DhStyleBase.setCursor().
Name | Description |
AUTO | Browser determines the cursor to display based on the current context. |
CROSSHAIR | A simple cross-hair cursor. |
DEFAULT | A platform-dependent default cursor (usually an arrow). |
E_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in an eastern direction. |
HAND | A hand pointer cursor. |
HELP | An arrow cursor with a question mark, indicating Help. |
MOVE | A cursor with crossed arrows indicating something is to be moved. |
N_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a northern direction. |
NE_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a northeastern direction. |
NW_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a northwestern direction. |
S_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a southern direction. |
SE_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a southeastern direction. |
SW_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a southwestern direction. |
TEXT | An editable text cursor (usually an I-bar). |
W_RESIZE | An arrow cursor indicating that an edge is to be moved in a western direction. |
WAIT | An hourglass or watch indicating that the program is busy and the user should wait. |