public class DhModule
implements IObjectWithSite,
IPersistPropertyBag, DhStringIDs, ISiteable,
Represents the class from which you should derive to use the wfc.html package. You then author your derivation into your HTML file as an object tag. You never create a DhModule; it is created automatically when you put it on the HTML page as an OBJECT tag.
Name | Description |
addOnGotFocus ( DhEventHandler h ) | Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload. |
addOnLoad ( DhEventHandler h ) | Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading. |
addOnLostFocus ( DhEventHandler h ) | Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading. |
addOnUnload ( DhEventHandler h ) | Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload. |
createEvents() | Topic under construction. |
documentLoad(Object sender, DhEvent event) | Called by the module host to inform this module that it should start its execution. |
documentUnload(Object sender, DhEvent event) | Called by the module host to inform this module to cease its execution. |
GetClassID( pClassID) | Implements IPersist.GetClassID(). |
getCurrentModule() | Topic under construction. |
getDocument() | Retrieves the current DhDocument object associated with this module. |
getPeer() | Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class. |
GetPositionCookie() | Implements IPersistHistory.GetPositionCookie(). |
getRequest() | Topic under construction. |
getResponse() | Topic under construction. |
getServerMode() | Retrieves the current site for this DhModule. |
getSite() | Implements ISite.getSite(). |
GetSite( _Guid g ) | Implements IObjectWithSite.GetSite() |
InitNew() | Implements IPersistPropertyBag.InitNew. |
Load(IPropertyBag pPropBag, IUnknown pErrorLog) | Implements IPersistPropertyBag.Load(). |
LoadHistory( pStream, IUnknown bindCtx) | Implements IPersistHistory.LoadHistory(). |
LoadParameters( DhPropertyBag pb ) | This is the first and last time this module has a chance to look at the parameters that were authored into the PARAM tags of the hosting HTML document. |
removeOnGotFocus ( DhEventHandler h ) | Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload. |
removeOnLoad ( DhEventHandler h ) | Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading. |
removeOnLostFocus ( DhEventHandler h ) | Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading. |
removeOnUnload ( DhEventHandler h ) | Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload. |
Save(IPropertyBag pPropBag, int fClearDirty, int fSaveAllProperties) | Implements IPersistPropertyBag.Save(). |
SaveHistory( pStream) | Implements IPersistHistory.SaveHistory(). |
SetPositionCookie(int dwPositioncookie) | Implements IPersistHistory.SetPositionCookie(). |
setSite(ISite site) | Implements ISite.setSite(). |
SetSite(IUnknown punk) | Implements IObjectWithSite.SetSite() |
setupSite(IOleClientSite ocs, boolean isMainThread) | Topic under construction. |
write( String strHTML ) | Writes the specified HTML string to the current site. |
write( DhElement element ) | Writes the specified DhElement to the current site. |
write( IDataStream inputStream, IUploadNotify iNotify, String flagToken ) | Writes the specified data stream to the document stream. |
write( IDataStream inputStream, IUploadNotify iNotify ) | Writes the specified data stream to the document stream. |
Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload.
Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading.
Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading.
Sets the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload.
Topic under construction.
Called by the module host to inform this module that it should start its execution. It is the first time that is it "safe" to call any object in the main document.
A subclass of DhModule should override this method if it has any operation that it wants to perform each time the module is loaded.
The implementation of this method provided by the DhModule class does nothing.
Called by the module host to inform this module to cease its execution. It is the last time that is it "safe" to call any object in the main document.
A subclass of DhModule should override this method if it has any operation that it wants to perform each time the module is unloaded.
The implementation of this method provided by the DhModule class does nothing.
Implements IPersist.GetClassID().
Topic under construction.
Returns the current DhDocument, or returns null if the page has not finished loading.
Retrieves the current DhDocument object associated with this module.
Returns the element peer underlying the HTML peer for this class.
Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class. This method may return null if the document is not bound to this class. Java code that is running in a trusted environment can freely cast the resulting reference to a specific element peer type (for example, This method will always return null if the code is running in a Web server environment.
Note that calling this method represents an advanced usage scenario. Typically, you would never use this method.
Implements IPersistHistory.GetPositionCookie().
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Returns true if DhModule is sited on a web server, or returns false if it is sited on a client or other container.
Retrieves the current site for this DhModule.
Implements ISite.getSite().
Implements IObjectWithSite.GetSite()
Implements IPersistPropertyBag.InitNew.
Implements IPersistPropertyBag.Load().
Implements IPersistHistory.LoadHistory().
This is the first and last time this module has a chance to look at the parameters that were authored into the PARAM tags of the hosting HTML document.
Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload.
Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading.
Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document has finished loading.
Removes the DhEventHandler event handler method callback that is triggered when the document is ready to unload.
Implements IPersistPropertyBag.Save().
Implements IPersistHistory.SaveHistory().
Implements IPersistHistory.SetPositionCookie().
Implements ISite.setSite().
Note This method is obsolete.
Implements IObjectWithSite.SetSite()
Topic under construction.
Writes the specified HTML string to the current site. If running in server mode, the string is written to the output stream; otherwise, it is added to the end of the current document body.
Writes the specified DhElement to the current site. If running in server mode, the element's HTML code is generated and sent to the output stream. Otherwise, the element is added to the end of the current document body.
Writes the specified data stream to the document stream. Elements with the flagToken attribute are passed to the user-supplied IUploadNotify interface.
Writes the specified data stream to the document stream. Elements with the "__NOTIFY" attribute are passed to the user-supplied IUploadNotify interface.