DhObjectFactory | +--DhObjectDataSource | +--DhTabularDataSourcepublic class DhTabularDataSource
Encapsulates the Microsoft Tabular Data Control (TDC). This control allows access to data that is stored in a delimited text file. For more information, see your Internet SDK documentation.
Name | Description |
DhTabularDataSource() | Constructs a DhTabularDataSource object. |
DhTabularDataSource( String strUrl ) | Constructs a DhTabularDataSource object. |
Name | Description |
getCaseSensitive() | Retrieves the current case-sensitivity setting for sorting. |
getDataUrl( ) | Retrieves the current URL setting for retrieving a data file. |
getEscapeChar() | Retrieves the current escape character. |
getFieldDelim() | Retrieves the current field delimiter character or characters. |
getFilter() | Retrieves the current data filter string. |
getRowDelim() | Retrieves the current row delimiter character or characters. |
getSortColumns( ) | Retrieves the current column sort setting string. |
getTextQualifier() | Retrieves the current text qualifier character. |
getUseHeader() | Retrieves the current header-row setting. |
reset() | Queries the data again based on the new control settings. |
setCaseSensitive( boolean fCaseSensitive ) | Sets case sensitivity in sorting. |
setDataUrl( String strUrl ) | Sets the URL for retrieving the file data in a standard format, such as http:, file:, ftp:, and so on. |
setEscapeChar( char c ) | Specifies the character used to escape special characters. |
setFieldDelim( String fd ) | Sets the field delimiter character or characters. |
setFilter( String strFilter ) | Sets the filter for the data display, and then queries for the data again. |
setRowDelim( String rd ) | Sets the row delimiter character(s). |
setSortColumns( String strSort ) | Sets the column or columns to be sorted in ascending or descending order. |
setTextQualifier( char c ) | Specifies a single character used to surround fields that can include special characters such as new lines, tabs, or commas. |
setUseHeader( boolean fUseHeader ) | Specifies whether the first row of the data contains header information. |
Constructs a DhTabularDataSource object.
Constructs a DhTabularDataSource object.
Returns true to sort by case; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves the current case-sensitivity setting for sorting.
Returns the dataURL of the file.
Retrieves the current URL setting for retrieving a data file.
Returns the escape character.
Retrieves the current escape character. The default is none.
Returns the field delimiter character sequence.
Retrieves the current field delimiter character or characters.
Returns the data filter.
Retrieves the current data filter string.
Returns the row delimiter character sequence.
Retrieves the current row delimiter character or characters.
Returns the current sort string.
Retrieves the current column sort setting string.
Returns the current text qualifier character.
Retrieves the current text qualifier character. The default is the double quotation mark (").
Returns true if first the line of data contains header information, or returns false if it does not.
Retrieves the current header-row setting.
Queries the data again based on the new control settings.
Sets case sensitivity in sorting.
Sets the URL for retrieving the file data in a standard format, such as http:, file:, ftp:, and so on.
Note: This URL must be in the same security zone as the document that loaded the control.
Specifies the character used to escape special characters. The default is none.
Sets the field delimiter character or characters. The default is a comma (,).
Sets the filter for the data display, and then queries for the data again.
Sets the row delimiter character(s). The default is the newline character.
Sets the column or columns to be sorted in ascending or descending order. The following example sorts the "ProductName" column ascending, followed by the "Price" column descending:
ProductName; -Price
Specifies a single character used to surround fields that can include special characters such as new lines, tabs, or commas. These characters can also be active as field or row delimiters. The default value is the double quotation mark (").
Specifies whether the first row of the data contains header information.