public interface DhColors
Defines the HTML color constants.
Name | Description |
ALICEBLUE | The color alice blue. |
ANTIQUEWHITE | The color antique white. |
AQUA | The color aqua. |
AQUAMARINE | The color aquamarine. |
AZURE | The color azure. |
BEIGE | The color beige. |
BISQUE | The color bisque. |
BLACK | The color black. |
BLANCHEDALMOND | The color blanched almond. |
BLUE | The color blue. |
BLUEVIOLET | The color violet blue. |
BROWN | The color brown. |
BURLYWOOD | The color burlywood. |
CADETBLUE | The color cadet blue. |
CHARTREUSE | The color chartreuse. |
CHOCOLATE | The color chocolate brown. |
CORAL | The color coral. |
CORNFLOWERBLUE | The color cornflower blue. |
CORNSILK | The color cornsilk. |
CRIMSON | The color crimson. |
CYAN | The color cyan. |
DARKBLUE | The color dark blue. |
DARKCYAN | The color dark cyan. |
DARKGOLDENROD | The color dark goldenrod yellow. |
DARKGRAY | The color dark gray. |
DARKGREEN | The color dark green. |
DARKKHAKI | The color dark khaki. |
DARKMAGENTA | The color dark magenta. |
DARKOLIVEGREEN | The color dark olive green. |
DARKORANGE | The color dark orange. |
DARKORCHID | The color dark orchid. |
DARKRED | The color dark red. |
DARKSALMON | The color dark salmon. |
DARKSEAGREEN | The color dark sea green. |
DARKSLATEBLUE | The color dark slate blue. |
DARKSLATEGRAY | The color dark slate gray. |
DARKTURQUOISE | The color dark turquoise. |
DARKVIOLET | The color dark violet. |
DEEPPINK | The color deep pink. |
DEEPSKYBLUE | The color deep sky blue. |
DIMGRAY | The color dim gray. |
DODGERBLUE | The color Dodger blue. |
FIREBRICK | The color firebrick. |
FLORALWHITE | The color floral white. |
FORESTGREEN | The color forest green. |
FUCHSIA | The color fuchsia. |
GAINSBORO | The color gainsboro. |
GHOSTWHITE | The color ghost white. |
GOLD | The color gold. |
GOLDENROD | The color goldenrod (yellow). |
GRAY | The color gray. |
GREEN | The color green. |
GREENYELLOW | The color green yellow. |
HONEYDEW | The color honeydew. |
HOTPINK | The color hot pink. |
INDIANRED | The color Indian red. |
INDIGO | The color indigo. |
IVORY | The color ivory. |
KHAKI | The color khaki. |
LAVENDER | The color lavender. |
LAVENDERBLUSH | The color lavender blush. |
LAWNGREEN | The color lawn green. |
LEMONCHIFFON | The color lemon chiffon. |
LIGHTBLUE | The color light blue. |
LIGHTCORAL | The color light coral. |
LIGHTCYAN | The color light cyan. |
LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW | The color light goldenrod yellow. |
LIGHTGREEN | The color light green. |
LIGHTGREY | The color light grey. |
LIGHTPINK | The color light pink. |
LIGHTSALMON | The color light salmon. |
LIGHTSEAGREEN | The color light sea green. |
LIGHTSKYBLUE | The color light sky blue. |
LIGHTSLATEGRAY | The color slate gray. |
LIGHTSTEELBLUE | The color steel blue. |
LIGHTYELLOW | The color light yellow. |
LIME | The color lime. |
LIMEGREEN | The color lime green. |
LINEN | The color linen. |
MAGENTA | The color magenta. |
MAROON | The color maroon. |
MEDIUMAQUAMARINE | The color medium aquamarine. |
MEDIUMBLUE | The color medium blue. |
MEDIUMORCHID | The color medium orchid. |
MEDIUMPURPLE | The color medium purple. |
MEDIUMSEAGREEN | The color medium sea green. |
MEDIUMSLATEBLUE | The color medium slate blue. |
MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN | The color medium spring green. |
MEDIUMTURQUOISE | The color medium turquoise. |
MEDIUMVIOLETRED | The color medium violet red. |
MIDNIGHTBLUE | The color midnight blue. |
MINTCREAM | The color mint cream. |
MISTYROSE | The color misty rose. |
MOCCASIN | The color moccasin. |
NAVAJOWHITE | The color navajo white. |
NAVY | The color navy blue. |
OLDLACE | The color old lace. |
OLIVE | The color olive green. |
OLIVEDRAB | The color drab olive green. |
ORANGE | The color orange. |
ORANGERED | The color orange red. |
ORCHID | The color orchid. |
PALEGOLDENROD | The color pale goldenrod yellow. |
PALEGREEN | The color pale green. |
PALETURQUOISE | The color pale turquoise. |
PALEVIOLETRED | The color pale violet red. |
PAPAYAWHIP | The color papayawhip. |
PEACHPUFF | The color peachpuff. |
PERU | The color Peru. |
PINK | The color pink. |
PLUM | The color plum. |
POWDERBLUE | The color powder blue. |
PURPLE | The color purple. |
RED | The color red. |
ROSYBROWN | The color rosy brown. |
ROYALBLUE | The color royal blue. |
SADDLEBROWN | The color saddle brown. |
SALMON | The color salmon. |
SANDYBROWN | The color sandy brown. |
SEAGREEN | The color sea green. |
SEASHELL | The color seashell. |
SIENNA | The color sienna. |
SILVER | The color silver. |
SKYBLUE | The color sky blue. |
SLATEBLUE | The color slate blue. |
SLATEGRAY | The color slate gray. |
SNOW | The color snow. |
SPRINGGREEN | The color spring green. |
STEELBLUE | The color steel blue. |
TAN | The color tan. |
TEAL | The color teal. |
THISTLE | The color thistle. |
TOMATO | The color tomato red. |
TURQUOISE | The color turquoise. |
VIOLET | The color violet. |
WHEAT | The color wheat. |
WHITE | The color white. |
WHITESMOKE | The color white smoke. |
YELLOW | The color yellow. |
YELLOWGREEN | The color yellow green. |