Form Details
Filling in form details is the final (and most important) step of creating a form. Here you set how you will send the form's contents to the person supposed to receive the information.
- navigate the menu to bring up the Edit Form Details dialogue box
- click on the Use Default Splash! Script button
(this defaults to the Splash! CGI script created especially for users of the full version of Splash!)
- set method to submit to post (not get)
- click OK
- in the next dialogue, set target e-mail to your own e-mail address
(this way you'll get mailed the output of the form when you fill it out, so you can check it's all working fine)
- click OK, and you're done with your form!
How is your "Feedback" page looking? [ Click Here ] to view an image of what it should look like in the Splash! environment. If it does not look quite like the one pictured here, move the elements around a bit on your page until they do.