Radio Fields
Radio fields are very similar to check boxes however they won't allow multiple selections. You check only one, not some of or all the options. We're going to place two radio field form objects on the page. One option will signify that the customer is an industrial user and the other domestic (so you can't be both industrial and domestic - if you could we'd use checkboxes.
- insert two individual text objects onto the Splash! Web Author canvas. Both should be 90 pixels wide and 20 pixels high, one should say "Industrial" and the other "Domestic".
- Now insert a radio field form object onto the Splash! Web Author Canvas by selecting
INSERT => FORM OBJECTS => RADIO FIELD from the menu system.
(A form objects detail window will appear)
- enter the following variables into their respective fields and select OK.
Name | market |
Value | 1 |
Set as Checked | Select as checked |
- now join this field horizontally and to the right of the text field that says "Domestic"
- now insert another radio field form object onto the Splash! Web Author Canvas by selecting
INSERT => FORM OBJECTS => RADIO FIELD from the menu system.
(A form objects detail window will appear)
- enter the following variables into their respective fields and select OK.
Name | market |
Value | 2 |
Set as Checked | (leave unchecked) |
- now join this field horizontally and to the right of the text field that says "Industrial"
- now join both these already joined objects together horizontally.
(so essentially you will have four objects all joined together horizontally.)
- place a text box 150 pixels wide and 20 pixels high that contains the words "Which Industyr?" on the canvas and join it horizontally and to the right of the radio fields object.
You have successfully added radio fields to your homepage! Please note that as opposed to other objects which all require an individual name radio fields that relate to the same question (such as which market a customer supplies to) require the same name. This is because they relate to the same variable, for example the form output for this field would be "market" and then a "1" or a "2" depending on which radio field is selected.
- now place the joined object beneath the other three field objects on the left of your canvas.