Text Area Field
A text area field will allow the visitor to your site to send you detailed information. If we think of the information in the text/password field in 8.1 above as similar to the subject line of an e-mail then this field would equate to the actual e-mail (all the content). Text Area Fields can be quite large, but as a general rule it is best to keep such fields reasonably small for practical and aesthetic reasons.
- insert a text object "Your Contact Details or Message" which is 150 pixels wide and 50 pixels high
- now insert a text area window by selecting INSERT => FORM OBJECTS => TEXT AREA FIELD and enter the following details into the form objects window and select OK.
variable name | message |
Number of Rows | 7 |
Number of Columns | 40 |
- join the text object horizontally to the text area field form object and and select vertical align top.
- place it beneath the other objects on your page.