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1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Backgrounds
3.0 Objects
4.0 How does it look?
5.0 Creating Links
6.0 Copying and Pasting
7.0 Using Tables
8.0 Using Forms
8.1 Text/Password Field
8.2 Radio Field
8.3 Text Area Field
8.4 Submit/Reset
8.5 Form Details
9.0 Plugins
10.0 Publish It!
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A submit button is used by the visitor to let the computer know to send all the information entered to the appropriate person. Every form must have a submit button.

  • place a submit button by selecting the following from the menu system INSERT => FORM OBJECTS => SUBMIT/RESET BUTTON and enter the following details.
      Variable Namesubmit
      Button NameSend It
      Method to Submit(check as "submit")
  • click OK
  • place the button at the bottom of your form.
A reset button is used by the visitor to clear all the information from the form (for example if a mistake is made). Every form should really have a reset button.

  • place a reset button by selecting the following from the menu system INSERT => FORM OBJECTS => SUBMIT/RESET BUTTON and enter the following details.
      Variable Namereset
      Button NameRe-Enter Data
      Method to Submit(check as "reset")
  • click OK
  • place the button at the bottom of your form (next to the submit button).
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