WebTutor v3.7 by Joe Barta / Professional Web Design

General Table of Contents
* = Part of the WebTutor download.
     The rest is available at the web site and much of it is downloadable.
* So, you want to make a Web Page!
* Lessons:
* Introduction
* Lesson 1: getting started, saving as html
* Lesson 2: backgrounds, bold, italic, underlining, nesting tags
* Lesson 3: font & fontsize, colors, section headings, link colors
* Lesson 4: basic formatting, line breaks, paragraph aligning
* Lesson 5: inserting images, relative paths
* Lesson 6: links, image links, email links
* Lesson 7: more on images, image filesizes, thumbnails, anchors
* Lesson 8: ordered/unordered lists, definition lists, more formatting
* Lesson 9: horizontal rules, preformating, comments
* Lesson 10: more resources
* Index and Quick Reference
* Quickres
* Color Picker
* Handy Dandy Font Viewer - (intro)
* About Netscape's 216 colors
* Special Characters
* About files
* GIF Optimizer
* Upload your page to the Web
* Joe's Short List of Free HTML Editors
* About Paint Shop Pro and IrfanView
* Download Paint Shop Pro version 3
* Color Charts:
* Netscape's 216 colors (image)
* Netscape's 216 colors (page)
* Chart of 1536 colors (page)
* Table Tutor
* Ouick Index
* Lessons:
* Introduction
* Lesson 1: basic table structure and your first simple table
* Lesson 2: borders, width & height, align & valign
* Lesson 3: multiple cells & rows, cellpadding & cellspacing
* Lesson 4: bgcolors, colspan & rowspan
* Lesson 5: build the apple pie table from scratch
* Lesson 6: table within a table, the dragon table
* Lesson 7: more resources
* Why are there spaces in my tables?
* More examples - Do it with a Table!
* Colored horizontal lines using tables
* Picture framing using tables
* Form Tutor
* Ouick Reference
* Lessons:
* Introduction
* Lesson 1: form basics, mailto vs cgi form handling
* Lesson 2: input type text, password
* Lesson 3: radio buttons & checkboxes
* Lesson 4: pull down list, scrolling list, textarea
* Lesson 5: hidden input, file upload, submit & reset
* Lesson 6: more resources
* Mailto Converter
* About CGI Form Handling
* Frames Tutor
* Templates
* Lessons:
* Introduction
* Lesson 1: first basic framed page
* Lesson 2: dividing further, the noframes tag
* Lesson 3: scrollbars and margins
* Lesson 4: border thickness & color, linking between frames
* Lesson 5: build a framed page from scratch
* Lesson 6: build a framed page from scratch continued
* Lesson 7: more resources
* Change 2 (or more) frames with one click
* HTML method (preferred)
* JavaScript method
* Eliminating those pesky thin lines
* My Framz Page
* Bare Bones Guide to HTML (by Kevin Werbach)
* Frequently Asked Questions
* Suggestion Box
* Get on the WebTutor mailing list
* WebTutor Readme
 JavaScript Tutor Learn and practice basic Javascript
 GateKeeper v3.2 Cool password protection with javascript.
 GateKeeper-II v3.2
 GateKeeper v2.2
 HTTP Authentication example & run through
 The Vault
 Magic Buttons 3.0 Learn to make javascript mouseovers.
 Index of Examples
 Miscellaneous pages on various Web Authoring Topics
 Color charts
 Examples and use of the ALIGN attribute in an <IMG> tag
 How to add transparency to a GIF image with PaintShop Pro v4
 GIF Compression Explained
 How to make multi-link jump boxes
 How to Make Popup Windows
 Image Compression Examples
 RGB to HEX conversion chart
 How to keep an idiot busy
 Grey Matter Web Pro- the high-tech web editor
 WebTutor Version Check (Do you have the latest version?)
 Resources for Web Authors
 Newest Resources
 Lines, Buttons & Bullets
 Photos, Images & Icons
 Backgrounds & Textures
 CGI Scripting
 Sounds & Music
 Submit Resource
 NoteTab Clips
 Slide Show Magic
 Miscellaneous clip snippets
 Filecons - A collection of icons designed for 16x16 resolution
 My Personal MessageBox v1.1 - A simple Windows utility
 Division Calculator v1.0 - A specialty calculator for craftsmen
 INI Test v1.3 - A demonstration of .ini file reading/writing
 Bug Report

General Table
of Contents
So, you want to make a Web Page!
Table Tutor - Form Tutor - Frames Tutor
HTML Guide