===================================================================== WebTutor v3.7 Professional Web Design HTML Authoring Tutorials Joe Barta ===================================================================== Latest version always available from http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/ DESCRIPTION: Easy to use web page authoring tutorials covering basic and advanced web page design. The tutorials are in HTML format so you can go through them with your web browser. If you've never created a web page before, the basic tutorial will guide you gently though basics of HTML. And, if you know the basics, the advanced tutorials will show you how to add additional features to your page. THESE TUTORIALS ARE FREEWARE. They are not copyrighted. You may use and/or distribute them to your hearts content according to the guidelines below. - If you wish to post them unaltered on your public or private server, you can. (The package was written keeping this in mind. All pertinent links are relative. Just unzip and upload the whole pile to your server as-is.) - If you wish to translate them into another language, you can. - If you are a teacher and you want to use them for teaching purposes, you can. - If you want to include them on a CD with other Internet programs, you can. - If you are a business and you wish to offer copies of WebTutor as a free bonus with your regular products, you may. - If, for some lame reason, you copy them verbatim and call them your own, I will have no choice but to tell Mom, and boy will you be in trouble! REQUIREMENTS: 1) Windows95/98. I've abandoned the 8.3 file naming convention. Win3x users may have some trouble. They should however be able to access everything online though. I'm not that familiar with other operating systems, but I'm guesing the tutorials are still plenty useable. 2) A graphical web browser. Preferably Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later. MS Internet Explorer 3.0 or later will do also. If you use something other than the big two everything should still be OK. Very old browsers might hit a few potholes though. 3) A text editor. Notepad will do nicely for now. 4) A comfortable chair and an attractive member of the opposite sex to tell you how computer geeks are sexy and to rub your neck if it gets stiff. INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip and start with index.html. Have fun. No files are copied, moved, modified or otherwise scattered about your computer. To "uninstall" these tutorials, simply delete the contents of the webtutor directory. EMAIL: I get a lot of email asking for help on this problem or that, and I'm afraid there isn't enough time to answer them all. I do answer a few occasionally however, and they all at least hit my eyes. Have fun & good luck! Joe Barta jbarta@apk.net Professional Web Design http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/ ===================================================================== VERSION HISTORY: v3.7 (Oct/99) - Status changed back to Freeware. (They say the best things in life are free, and I wanted to make sure that the tutorials remained one of the best things in life :) My sincerest thanks to those that have sent in payments. - Numerous little additions and changes. - Moved all the furniture and cleaned out a few virtual cobwebs. - Added a FAQ or two - Revamped the basic tutorial's Quick Index - Revamped the Table Tutor's Quick Index - Changed the look of a few things - Added a Suggestion Box - Added a Mailing List - Improved Color Picker a little - Added a few things to the basic tutorial and broke it up into 10 lessons v3.6 (July/99) - Status changed from freeware to donationware. - Minor corrections v3.5 (April/99) - Got "back to basics" all the way around. Long overdue updates. Dumped some fluff. - Removed the various smaller tutorial-ettes. (These will still be available and downloadble from the web site.) - Slightly beefed up the 4 main tutorials. - Added an updated barebones guide to HTML. - Sprinkled in a few FAQs. - Handy Dandy Font Viewer streamlined and doesn't kill IE any more. - Color Picker slightly improved and IE friendly. - Form Tutor contains more info regarding the notorious mailto action along with links to CGI resources. - Added Mailto Converter to the distribution because links to mailto formatter kept disappearing. - Dumped the JS menu in favor of a main Table of Contents. (A new, improved and reusable SiteMap is in the works... stay tuned.) - Improved navigation through the pages. - Dumped the self-extracting exe distribution for a simple zip file. Abandoned the idea for a "professional" installation. Why use a hammer to kill a fly? - Numerous additions/corrections,improvements. What this 3.5 version is NOT: - It's not a tutorial based on HTML 4.0 (it loosely follows 3.2) - It doesn't get into Style Sheets - There's no mention of DHTML (Not specifically at least) - It does not concentrate on authoring documents that validate against any published HTML recommendation. v3.0 (July/97) Bundled all four main tutorials into one biggun. Added Color Picker Threw in as a bonus a few other tutorial-ettes. (oh boy!) Included a remote Table of Contents for JavaScript Enabled browsers. Included a copy of Kevin Werbach's Bare Bones Guide to HTML. these versions were 4 separate tutorials ----------------------------------------------------------- v2.02 Minor additions & corrections. v2.01 Added link to Web Resources. Minor typo corrections. Minor additions. v2.0 Changed all html file extensions to htm. Numerous alterations, additions, corrections. v1.0 (Sept/96) Original release. ===================================================================== INFO FOR SHAREWARE SITES: NAME: WebTutor STATUS: Freeware VERSION: 3.7 SIZE: 1.5 MB RELEASE DATE: October 1, 1999 APPLICATION HOMEPAGE: http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/tutor/makapage/ DOWNLOAD: http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/webtutor.zip ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/win95/html/webtut37.zip DESCRIPTION: (short) WebTutor: easy to use HTML authoring tutorials DESCRIPTION: (longer) Easy to use web page authoring tutorials covering basic and advanced web page design. The tutorials are in HTML format so you can go through them with your web browser. If you've never created a web page before, the basic tutorial will guide you gently though basics of HTML. And, if you know the basics, the advanced tutorials (tables, forms & frames) will show you how to add additional features to your page. SCREEN CAPTURE: http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/webtutor_cap.gif ICON (39x39): http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/webtutor_icon.gif CHANGES: Status change from Donationware back to freeware. Various additions, alterations and improvements. AUTHOR: Professional Web Design - Joe Barta HOMEPAGE: http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/ EMAIL: jbarta@apk.net SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: None DISTRIBUTION: This file is freely distributable. =====================================================================