IrfanView IrfanView Inst Title


View Menu


Click on the View Menu, or press ALT-V to access
these options. While the menu is open, click one
of the choices, or press the underlined letter
key to use that function.
Use the key or key-combination in parenthesis to
more quickly access the function without opening
the menu.

Toolbar Click on the View Menu, then click Toolbar. The toolbar will appear, ready to use. To remove it, click Toolbar again.
Full screen (Enter) Click on the View Menu, then click Full screen. The image will be displayed centered on a black background, which fills the entire screen. In Fullscreen mode, you can move through the images in the current directory using the spacebar for the next image, and backspace for the previous image. To Cancel Fullscreen mode, press the Enter key, or the Esc key. The resizing for Fullscreen mode can be done with resampling, for better results in most cases. Click the Options menu, then Properties, then the Viewing tab. Finally, click the check-box next to Use 'Resample' function for 'Fit To Desktop' and Fullscreen mode. To turn the feature off, click the check-box again. There are several other options for Fullscreen mode that can be set using the Properties Viewing tab. The first is a set of option buttons: Show images with the normal size, Fit to screen: large images only, and Fit to screen: all images. Click the option of your choice. The next option is Hide mouse cursor. If you don't want the cursor to appear onscreen in Fullscreen mode, click this box. To return the mouse, click again. (This only affects Fullscreen mode.) The final option is Show image filename. Click this box to have the filename of the current image displayed in the upper left corner during Fullscreen mode. Click it again to turn the feature off. Click the box below, Show transparent, to have the filename appear as a light color against the black background. Unchecking the box will cause the filename to appear as black text inside a white box. Best Fit to desktop (F) Click on the View Menu, then click Best Fit to desktop. The image will be resized to fit fully within the screen. This is useful for examining an image overall, possibly before making changes to it, or after. This option can be set to automatically fit images larger than the screen to the screen size. Click the Options menu, then Properties, then the Viewing tab. Finally, click the check-box next to Always 'Fit To Desktop' for big images. To turn the feature off, click the check-box again. The resizing for Best Fit to desktop can be done with resampling, for better results in most cases. Click the Options menu, then Properties, then the Viewing tab. Finally, click the check-box next to Use 'Resample' function for 'Fit To Desktop' and Fullscreen mode. To turn the feature off, click the check-box again.
Next File in Directory (Space) Click on the View Menu, then click Next File in Directory (or use the Next File tool on the toolbar.) The viewer displays the next IrfanView supported file, in sequence, if there is one in the current directory. If the image does not have a vertical scrollbar at its right edge, you can also use the Page Down key to move to the next file in the directory. Previous File in Directory (Backspace) Click on the View Menu, then click Previous File in Directory (or use the Previous File tool on the toolbar.) The viewer displays the previous IrfanView supported file, in reverse sequence, if there is one in the current directory. If the image does not have a vertical scrollbar at its right edge, you can also use the Page Up key to move to the previous file in the directory. First File in Directory (Ctrl + F) Click on the View Menu, then click First File in Directory. The viewer displays the first IrfanView supported file in the current directory. Last File in Directory (Ctrl + L) Click on the View Menu, then click Last File in Directory. The viewer displays the last (final) IrfanView supported file in the current directory. Random File in Directory (Ctrl + M) Click on the View Menu, then click Random File in Directory. The viewer displays a random IrfanView supported file from the current directory. Refresh (U) Click on the View Menu, then click Refresh. The image will be updated onscreen. If you have outlined an area of the image for editing purposes, Refresh will remove the outline.
Zoom In (+) Click on the View Menu, then click Zoom In (or use the Zoom In tool on the toolbar.) Increases size of the image. Click Zoom In for further increase. The amount of each increase can be set using Zoom Factor on the Options menu, Properties dialog, Viewing tab. The default is 10% increase per use. This is useful for viewing areas of the image more closely, and applying special effects to particular portions of the image. Zoom Out (-) Click on the View Menu, then click Zoom Out (or use the Zoom Out tool on the toolbar.) Decreases size of the image. Click Zoom Out for further decrease. The amount of each decrease can be set using Zoom Factor on the Options menu, Properties dialog, Viewing tab. The default is 10% decrease per use. This is useful for viewing images normally too large to see, all at once. Simply reduce the image until it is all visible. Also helps when applying special effects to large portions of an image, which aren't completely visible at its full size. Original Size (Ctrl + H) Click on the View Menu, then click Original Size. Removes Zoom In or Zoom Out, returning the image to its normal size.
Multipage TIFF Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. A sub-menu opens, with the several options. Choose one and click on it. The options are: · Next Page (Ctrl + N) Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. Click Next Page (or use the Next Page tool on the toolbar.) The viewer displays the next page, if there is one, in sequence. · Previous Page (Ctrl + P) Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. Click Previous Page (or use the Previous Page tool on the toolbar.) The viewer displays the previous page, if there is one, in reverse sequence. · First Page Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. Click First Page. The viewer displays the first (beginning) page of the TIFF. · Last Page Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. Click Last Page. The viewer displays the last (final) page of the TIFF. · Print all pages Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. Click Print all pages. The Print dialog appears and may be used to send all pages of the TIFF to your printer. · Extract all pages Click on the View Menu, then point at Multipage TIFF. Click Extract all pages. A dialog box opens, allowing you to select the directory in which the pages will be stored on your computer. Find the directory you want, then click on Use Dir to have the pages stored there. Click Cancel to abort the change. The pages from the TIFF are placed into the directory with names something like this: TIFFname_irfanview_extract_000.bmp where TIFFname is, of course, the name of the TIFF and 000 is the number of the page. Note that the pages are stored as bmp files.
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