IrfanView IrfanView Inst Title


Properties Options Tab 1


Properties Options Tab 1
Click on the Options Menu, then click Properties, or press
ALT-O, followed by P to access these options. A dialog box
opens from which you can change many of the basic functions
of IrfanView.
There are several tabs on the options dialog. If the tab
for JPEG/PCD/GIF is not at the front, click it to bring
it to the top of the stack.

JPEG/PCD/GIF The top portion allows you to select whether to load JPEG images as grayscale, which is faster. Click the check-box if you want to use this option. Click it again to un-set the option. The middle portion allows you to choose the size at which Photo CD images are loaded. Click one of the option buttons to make your selection. In the bottom portion, some option buttons allow choice of several setups for animated gifs. The default is to show animation. You can also choose to show only the first image in the gif, or to extract all the images into a directory on your hard drive. If you choose the last option, be sure to type a directory in which to place the images. Below the option buttons is a check-box you may click if you want to show transparency in non-animated gifs, as well. When you are done, click OK at the bottom of the dialog. To exit without making any changes, click Cancel. Another way to close is to click the X in the upper right corner. For a helpful reminder of many of the functions in the JPEG/PCD/GIF dialog, click the ? in the upper right corner of the box, point the mouse at an item in the box, and click again. A message will appear to tell you what that item is for.
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