This technique is used in such operations as cropping,
and adding text to an image.
Place the mouse cursor at one corner of the area you
want to outline. Press down on the left button, and
hold it. Drag the mouse across and (either) down or
up, to the opposite corner of the area you want
outlined. You will see a border appear as you drag
the mouse. You may need to go slowly, if you are
near the edge of the image. Release the button when
you are done dragging.
If you miss the area by a bit, click the left button
anywhere inside the main IrfanView window, and the
outline will disappear. Re-drag the area, until you
are satisfied. You can also use Refresh on the View
menu to remove the outline.
Please note that Windows allows you to choose which
mouse button is the primary button. Normally it is
the left button, as mentioned above. If you have
changed it, or use another pointing device (like
a trackball,) please adjust these instructions