What is WebZIP?

Download, store, and view websites offline with WebZIP.

Using WebZIP you can:

  • Download and Zip an entire website.
  • Download and Zip just the parts of a website you want.
  • View a Zipped website off-line.
  • Conveniently move a Zipped website to another computer.
  • Email a Zipped website to a colleague.
  • Create your own 'Personal Intranet' where Web information is quickly and readily available from your local hard disk.

WebZIP is a powerful off-line browser which can download a website and compress all its contents into one convenient Zip file. The entire website, contained in the Zip file can then be viewed off-line, and easily moved to another computer or sent to a colleague via email.

WebZIP can save you a lot of time and money, since viewing a website off-line is much faster than clicking from link to link whilst on-line. In addition, WebZIP can download up to 16 pages or images simultaneously, thus large amounts of information can be retrieved in very little time.

In addition to grabbing websites, you can also use WebZIP to zip and unzip normal files.

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What is WebZIP?

Saving Websites
WebZIP Task Wizard
Drag and Drop
WebZIP DropZone
Paste URL & Zip

About profiles
Supplied profiles
Creating new profiles
Using profiles

Browsing Offline
Browsing Zipped websites

Ordering & Support

Registering WebZIP
Tech. Support
License Agreemen

Version History
What's New?
Version History