Drag and Drop

Whenever possible drag and drop links, files  or tasks into WebZIP.  Its definitely the quickest way to get things done.

WebZIP’s drag and drop interface provides a very powerful and efficient way of:

  • Opening a Zip file.
  • Adding files to a Zip file.
  • Zipping a website.
  • Running a Task file.

Using drag and drop to open a Zip file:

Step 1: Select a Zip file in Explorer.

Step 2: Hold down the mouse button and move (drag) the mouse pointer over WebZIP

Step 3: Release the mouse button over WebZIP.

Using drag and drop to add files to a Zip file:

Step 1: Select one or more files in Explorer.

Step 2: Hold down the mouse button and move (drag) the mouse pointer over WebZIP

Step 3: Release the mouse button over WebZIP.

Step 4: The FileZip wizard will be displayed with a list of all the files you have selected. Click through to Finish and all the files selected will be added to the Zip.

Using drag and drop to Zip a website:

Internet Explorer and Netscape now allow you to drag and drop links. WebZIP can accept a dropped link and automatically extract its URL. This feature can be used to speed up URL input when you wish to Zip a website or page.

Step 1:  Click on a link within Internet Explorer or Netscape, hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse over WebZIP.

Step 2:  Release the mouse button over WebZIP. This will popup a menu allowing you to zip a website either by selecting a profile, or by using the the WebZIP Task Wizard.

Using drag and drop to run a WebZIP task:

WebZIP Tasks are simply files which contain information about what WebZIP should download and how. Tasks are saved as .wzt files.
You can be automatically run a task simply by dragging and dropping its associated file from Explorer into WebZIP.

W         e        b        Z        I         P


What is WebZIP?

Saving Websites
WebZIP Task Wizard
Drag and Drop
WebZIP DropZone
Paste URL & Zip

About profiles
Supplied profiles
Creating new profiles
Using profiles

Browsing Offline
Browsing Zipped websites

Ordering & Support

Registering WebZIP
Tech. Support
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