WebZIP Task Wizard

The WebZIP Task Wizard offers the greatest flexibility whilst guiding you step by step, in creating a new task to download and save a website.

This Wizard gives you the greatest flexibility when downloading a website, allowing you to set exactly how you want a download to proceed.

Accessing the Task Wizard:

  • Button: New Zip File
  • Menu: File | New WebZIP

The Task wizard first asks for the starting address or URL of the website you wish to download. From this URL it builds and sets a default Task Name and Zip file name which can be changed if desired.

Selecting a profile or creating a new one:

A profile defines a download method which WebZIP should follow when downloading and zipping a website. Profiles are re-useable, and thus make it easy to download different websites using the same method.WebZIP provides a number of basic profiles to get you started.

Defining which filetypes to download:

The default profiles provided by WebZIP are fine if all you want to do is download a page, a directory, or an entire site, but if you want greater control over what you download, then you need to create a new profile. Since profiles define a method of downloading, its not surprising that the first thing you will need to define is what filetypes you wish to download.

How many levels and where from:

WebZIP also gives you great control over exactly where pages and resources (images, sounds etc.) are downloaded from. You can control how many levels of links are followed from the start page and can exclude pages or resources found in different sites or directories.
This is very useful when you wish to get everything within a directory or site, and don’t want a link to the home page, or to another site to start bringing you back a lot of unrelated and unwanted info.

Filtering your downloads:

You can also prevent links to URL’s containing specific characters, words or phrases from being downloaded. For example, say a site contains a link to the home page or some other page on all of its pages, you can prevent these pages from being downloaded by using this option.

Saving your profile for re-use:

WebZip allows you to save a profile for easy re-use in another task. This can save you a lot of time, especially when used with WebZIP’s other advanced features, such as Auto-WebZIP.
If you only wish to use the profile once, it isn't necessary to save it. 
All profile information is also stored within a task and thus a task by itself knows how to download and Zip a website.



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What is WebZIP?

Saving Websites
WebZIP Task Wizard
Drag and Drop
WebZIP DropZone
Paste URL & Zip

About profiles
Supplied profiles
Creating new profiles
Using profiles

Browsing Offline
Browsing Zipped websites

Ordering & Support

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