Options for Using Advanced Keyframes
The Effect Editor shortcut menu gives you options for adjusting the Effect Editor display, for controlling the playback of effects with advanced keyframes, and for setting a default command for the Add Keyframe button.
  The Effect Editor shortcut menu is available only for effects with advanced keyframes.
To display the Effect Editor shortcut menu:
  Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+Shift+click (Macintosh) the Effect Editor outside the keyframe track area.
The Effect Editor shortcut menu opens.
The following table describes the shortcut menu options for the Effect Editor.
Effect Editor Options 
Indent Rows
When selected, parameter rows are indented from the parameter category row, and any parameter subgroups are indented again. When deselected, the left edges of parameter rows line up with the parameter category row.
Large Text
When selected, text in the Effect Editor appears in 12-point size. When deselected, text in the Effect Editor appears in the default size, 10 points (Windows) or 9 points (Macintosh).
When deselected, variable controls in the Effect Editor appear as the default slider control. When selected, variable controls appear as thumbwheels. For information on using thumbwheels, see Using Parameter Sliders.
Real-Time Update
When selected, the Avid editing application updates the rendered effect image in real time. Because the update can be slow for complex effects, you have the option to deselect updating in real time.
Set Position To Keyframe
With Set Position To Keyframe selected, when you click a keyframe, the Avid editing application moves the position indicator to the keyframe. With Set Position To Keyframe deselected, when you click a keyframe, the position indicator does not move. Deselecting Set Position To Keyframe allows you to align a keyframe to the position indicator. See Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes.
Update Position While Playing
When selected, the position indicator in the Effect Editor moves while you play the effect. Because using Update Position While Playing can cause video underrun problems in complex real-time effects, the option is deselected by default.
Show Add Keyframe Mode Menu
When this option is selected, the Add Keyframe Mode menu (or the Delete Keyframe Mode menu) appears when you use the Add Keyframe button to add (or delete) keyframes. See Using the Add Keyframe Mode Menu and the Delete Keyframe Mode Menu.
With Show Add Keyframe Mode Menu deselected, using the Add Keyframe button performs the default command from the list below (Add Keyframe button options), without displaying the Add Keyframe Mode menu or the Delete Keyframe Mode menu.
Add Keyframe button options:
Select one as the default command for the Add Keyframe button.
  When you deselect Show Add Keyframe Mode Menu, clicking the Add Keyframe button once performs the default command.
  When you select Show Add Keyframe Mode Menu, clicking the Add Keyframe button twice performs the default command. (The first click displays the Add Keyframe Mode menu, at which point you can select another command.)
  The selection you make for the Add Keyframe mode is mirrored in the Delete Keyframe Mode menu, and vice versa. For example, when you change your selection to Add Keyframe To Enabled Groups, the Delete Keyframe mode changes to Delete Keyframe From Enabled Groups.
  Add Keyframes To Active Parameter
  Add Keyframes To Active Group
  Add Keyframes To Open Groups
  Add Keyframes To Enabled Groups
  Add Keyframes To Open Graphs
  Add Keyframes To All Parameters
See Also
Promoting Effects to Advanced Keyframes
Opening Keyframe Tracks
Effect Editor Controls for Advanced Keyframes
Adding and Deleting Keyframes in Keyframe Graphs
Using the Add Keyframe Mode Menu and the Delete Keyframe Mode Menu
Moving a Keyframe in a Keyframe Graph
Elastic Keyframes and Fixed Keyframes
Parameter Changes at Keyframes
Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes
Extrapolate and Hold
Adjusting the View in a Keyframe Graph

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to