Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes give you another way to adjust the position of advanced keyframes.
You do not have to select a keyframe from an open keyframe graph to use Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes. You can select keyframes in any keyframe track.
You can use Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes within a single keyframe track, by selecting a single active keyframe. You can also use Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes to bring several parameters into alignment, by selecting an active keyframe in more than one parameter and then choosing where you invoke the shortcut menu. See
Selecting and Deselecting Advanced Keyframes.
When you select more than one keyframe in a single keyframe track, the Avid editing application uses the most recently selected one as the reference keyframe for aligning and slipping keyframes. In addition, there are special considerations when you align keyframes in a track with both selected keyframes and deselected keyframes. See
Aligning Keyframes.
Both Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes can move keyframes outside the time boundaries of the keyframe graph. That is, you can make the effect behave as if parameter values are changing before the beginning or after the end of the effect.