Effect Editor Controls for Advanced Keyframes
You use the Effect Editor toolbar and the keyframe graph shortcut menu to create, delete, and customize advanced keyframes.
The following table describes the components of the Effect Editor toolbar for advanced keyframes. For the buttons on the left side of the toolbar, see Effect Editor Controls.
Effect Editor Toolbar for Advanced Keyframes 
Moves the position indicator one keyframe to the left and activates the keyframe. If there is no keyframe to the left, the position indicator does not move. That is, the position indicator does not move to the beginning of the effect unless you have a keyframe there.
Fast Forward
Moves the position indicator one keyframe to the right and activates the keyframe. If there is no keyframe to the right, the position indicator does not move. That is, the position indicator does not move to the end of the effect unless you have a keyframe there.
Add Keyframe
Creates a keyframe at the current position. Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Macintosh) this button to delete a keyframe. When you add or delete a keyframe, a pop-up menu gives you additional selections. See Adding and Deleting Keyframes in Keyframe Graphs.
Use the zoom slider in the scale bar, and the adjacent scroll thumbwheel, to zoom and scroll the view in the keyframe graph. See Adjusting the View in a Keyframe Graph.
3D Promote button
Available for some effects on Avid editing applications with 3D effects capabilities. Click to promote the effect to a 3D effect.
Nesting Priority icon
In addition to the controls in listed above, a Nesting Priority icon appears in line with the effect name at the top of the Effect Editor. For more information, see Changing the Order of Nested Effects.
Other controls appear in a pop-up menu when you click the Add Keyframe button, and in the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+Shift+click (Macintosh) a keyframe graph or keyframe track. The following sections describe the menu selections:
  Shortcut Menus for Advanced Keyframes
  Adding and Deleting Keyframes in Keyframe Graphs
  Using the Add Keyframe Mode Menu and the Delete Keyframe Mode Menu
  Moving a Keyframe in a Keyframe Graph
  Selecting and Deselecting Advanced Keyframes
  Elastic Keyframes and Fixed Keyframes
  Parameter Changes at Keyframes
  Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes
  Extrapolate and Hold
  Adjusting the View in a Keyframe Graph
See Also
Promoting Effects to Advanced Keyframes
Opening Keyframe Tracks

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to