Using the Add Keyframe Mode Menu and the Delete Keyframe Mode Menu
Before you begin adding keyframes, it is important to understand the terms your Avid editing application uses to refer to parameters and parameter groups. These terms are on the menu that appears when you add or delete a keyframe using the Add Keyframe button on the Effect Editor toolbar.
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If the Add Keyframe Mode menu or the Delete Keyframe Mode menu does
not appear, it is deselected on the Effect Editor shortcut menu. For more
information, see Options for Using Advanced Keyframes.
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The selection you make for the Add Keyframe mode is mirrored in the
Delete Keyframe Mode menu, and vice versa. That is, when you change
one, you change both.
In the following descriptions, group refers to the parameter category.
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Active Parameter — The parameter that is currently active. For
example, a slider that you clicked is pink.
Add To Active Parameter — The keyframe appears in the keyframe
track or keyframe graph for the active parameter only.
Delete From Active Parameter — The Avid editing application
removes selected keyframes in the keyframe track or keyframe graph
for the active parameter only.
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Active Group — The group to which the active parameter belongs.
Add To Active Group — Keyframes appear in the keyframe tracks or
keyframe graphs of all parameters that are in the same group as the
active parameter. If the active group is part of a larger group (for
example, Color is a subgroup or subcategory of Border), keyframes
appear only in the active group and not in the larger group. The
parameter group does not have to be enabled.
Delete From Active Group — The Avid editing application deletes
selected keyframes from the keyframe tracks or keyframe graphs of all
parameters that are in the same group as the active parameter. The
parameter group does not have to be enabled.
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Open Groups — Groups that you opened by clicking the triangular
opener next to the group name.
Add To Open Groups — Keyframes appear in the keyframe tracks or
keyframe graphs of all parameters in groups that are currently open,
whether the group is enabled or disabled.
Delete From Open Groups — The Avid editing application deletes
selected keyframes from keyframe tracks or keyframe graphs of all
parameters in groups that are currently open, whether the group is
enabled or disabled.
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Enabled Groups — The Avid editing application does not use enabled
groups. It treats all groups as enabled at all times.
Add To Enabled Groups — Keyframes appear in all keyframe tracks.
This is the same as Add To All Parameters.
Delete From Enabled Groups — The Avid editing application deletes
selected keyframes from all keyframe tracks. This is the same as
Delete From All Parameters.
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Open Graphs — Keyframe tracks that you opened by clicking the
triangular opener next to the keyframe track.
Add To Open Graphs — Keyframes appear in the keyframe graphs of
all parameters with open graphs.
Delete From Open Graphs — The Avid editing application deletes
selected keyframes from the keyframe graphs of all parameters with
open graphs.
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All Parameters — Every parameter represented in the Effect Editor
that has a keyframe track and is therefore keyframeable.
Add To All Parameters — Keyframes appear in all keyframe tracks.
Delete From All Parameters — The Avid editing application deletes
selected keyframes from all keyframe tracks.