Promoting Effects to Advanced Keyframes
You can promote a Picture-in-Picture (either 2D or 3D) or Resize effect to advanced keyframes.
You can choose whether or not a newly promoted effect first appears with no keyframes or with two keyframes, one at the start and one at the end of each parameter. You set this option in the Effect Editor entry of the Settings scroll list. For more information, see Options for Using Advanced Keyframes.
Once you promote an effect to advanced keyframes, the Acceleration parameter category no longer appears. You manipulate acceleration (ease-in and ease-out) of the effect using the spline or Bézier interpolation options, which give you more control than the standard Acceleration parameter category. See Parameter Changes at Keyframes.
Promote to Advanced Keyframes button
To promote an effect to advanced keyframes:
  In the Effect Editor toolbar, click the Promote to Advanced Keyframes button.
The Effect Editor displays the effect with keyframe graphs as a Picture-in-Picture v2, 3D PIP v2, or Resize v2 effect.
See Also
Opening Keyframe Tracks
Effect Editor Controls for Advanced Keyframes
Adding and Deleting Keyframes in Keyframe Graphs
Using the Add Keyframe Mode Menu and the Delete Keyframe Mode Menu
Moving a Keyframe in a Keyframe Graph
Elastic Keyframes and Fixed Keyframes
Parameter Changes at Keyframes
Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes
Extrapolate and Hold
Adjusting the View in a Keyframe Graph
Options for Using Advanced Keyframes

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to