Using Parameter Sliders
Parameter sliders allow you to adjust effect parameters that have a range of possible values. For example, use the Level slider in the Foreground parameter category to adjust the degree of opacity of the foreground material on a scale from 0 to 100.
The thumbwheel is a specialized slider that provides a window on a wide range of values and allows precise control over increments.
The parameter's numeric value (to the right of the slider) changes as you move the slider.
Parameter slider
Parameter thumbwheel
To activate a parameter that has a slider:
  Click the slider.
When you activate a slider, it changes to pink.
To move from one slider to the next slider:
  Press the Tab key.
To change the value of a parameter that has a slider, click the slider and do one or more of the following:
  Move the slider with the mouse.
  Type a new value using the numeric keypad.
  Use the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key to change the value by –1 or +1.
  Press the Shift key and use the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key to change the value by –10 or +10.
See Also
Understanding Effect Parameters
Using Parameter Enable Buttons
Using Fast Menu Parameters
Using the Other Options Button to Access Parameters
Adjusting a Color Parameter

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