Using Parameter Sliders
Parameter sliders allow you to adjust effect parameters that have a range of possible values. For example, use the Level slider in the Foreground parameter category to adjust the degree of opacity of the foreground material on a scale from 0 to 100.
The thumbwheel is a specialized slider that provides a window on a wide range of values and allows precise control over increments.
The parameter's numeric value (to the right of the slider) changes as you move the slider.
| Parameter slider |
| Parameter thumbwheel |
To activate a parameter that has a slider:
Click the slider.
When you activate a slider, it changes to pink.
To move from one slider to the next slider:
Press the Tab key.
To change the value of a parameter that has a slider, click the slider
and do one or more of the following:
Move the slider with the mouse.
Type a new value using the numeric keypad.
Use the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key to change the value by –1
or +1.
Press the Shift key and use the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key to
change the value by –10 or +10.