Other options
Various, unclassified options can be set on this page in the general settings dialog.
Save bookmarks and caret position between states
Enabled this to reload your bookmarks in a document and to place the caret at the last editing position from a previous session when you reload it. (More about bookmarks.)
Keep undo stack after save
Enabled this to be able to undo changes in your documents after you saved them. (More about undo and redo.)
Show tabs in multiple lines
When you have several documents open in 40tude HTML you will need to scroll the tabs with the filenames to reach an open document. When this option is checked tabs will be organized below each other. This gives quicker access to a specific document, however it will reduce the space for the editing window.
Show project timer on statusbar
Shows the time spent on the current project on the statusbar. The inactivity timeout after which the project timer automatically stops can be set below. (More about the project timer.)
Linked files
This box holds tag-attribute pairs that reference linked or embedded files. These pairs are used by the Link checker, the Document info/dependencies task and the publishing function. If you use other special tags that hold references to linked or embedded files, you may add them here.
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