Link checker

Link checker

Using the link checker you can make sure that all linked or embedded files in your documents exist.

To use this task, select it from one of the task menu items (see Overview of tasks).

In the upcoming dialog you have to specify the following options:

Recursive level

The link checking task works recursively, what means that if a link is found in a document, the links and embedded files in this document are evaluated again. The "Recursive level" box lets you specify how deep this recursive evaluation should go. If you only want to check links in the document(s) you passed through this function, you need to specify "0" in this field. "0" means that no embedded or linked files are evaluated.

Check image files

Check this box if you want to check for embedded image files.

Check other linked files

Check this box if you want to check the existence of other files linked from documents. Other linked files are files that are neither recognized HTML files nor image files.

Check for unused files in touched directories

If this option is checked all files in a directory are automatically added to a special list if they are not linked by any documents, but if another file in this directory was evaluated. If you use check this option you will get a list of unused files after evaluation and you can copy, move or delete these file. This feature let's you quickly locate unused files in your project directories and tidy them. Please note that files names "robots.txt"or "favicon.ico" are not included in the list of unused files.

Default filename

When collecting information about links to other HTML files, a link to a directory might be found, e.g. when <a href="../"> is found. To follow this link correctly, the functions needs to know the name the default index filename.


After the link check is done results will be shown in the "Link check result" message window on the lower right of the main window.

Note that you can double-click on a line in the "Validate results" message window to jump to the appropriate line.

If you checked the "Check for unused files in touched directories" option you will additionally get a window listing the unused files.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

link checker;checking links;unused files;cleaning project directories