The integrated publishing function lets you upload your HTML documents and other files to your webserver by FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
To use this task, select it from one of the task menu items (see Overview of tasks).
A session holds your settings for uploading to a webserver, so you can always access your previously used settings. To create a new session, click "New" in the publishing window window and enter a name for the new session. All information that you enter on the "Server information" page will be saved under the name of this session. To delete a session click on "Delete".
Server information
The "Server information" holds the necessary data about the webserver you want to upload to, your login and password and overwrite and deletion options.
Host address: The host address for the ftp server of your webserver. You can either use an IP number (e.g. or a name ( here.
Port: The port number for the ftp server of your webserver. The default value for ftp servers is 21.
Username: Your account username.
Password: Your account password. Passwords are stored unencrypted on your disk. Leave this field blank on an insecure computer.
Overwrite options: Lets you set if you want to overwrite files that already exist on the webserver.
Delete all files: If this option is checked, all files in directories on your webserver that are accessed by the publishing function will be deleted before uploading to this directory starts. Handle this option with care.
Don't ask for confirmation: If checked, 40tude HTML will not ask for confirmation when you select "Overwrite" or "Delete all files".
Put all files in initial directory: This option is useful when uploading files to Geocities and similiar services. If checked, all files will be uploaded to the initial directory. The settings for "Local root directory" and "Remote root directory" will be ignored. Further note that the publishing function will not retrieve a directory listing before uploading, so existing files will be overwritten without confirmation!
On this page you can set the documents you want to publish. Depending on how you started the publishing task there are already one or more entries in the file list. You can add more by dragging and dropping files from the 40tude HTML's main menu or project tree. When adding new files the "Recursive" setting on the page will be applied, so whenever you add a HTML file, this file will be evaluated for embedded and links to other files and these will also be added to the file list.
The files in the file list on this page of the publishing window are organized in a tree structure. Two items belong together, the first gives the local filename and path of the source files, the second gives the filename and path of the destination.
The "01" icon means that the file will be uploaded in binary mode, while the "AB" icon communicates an Ascii transfer mode for a file. You can double-click the destination filename and path to switch between transfer modes.
Local root directory: The local root directory on your hard disk used to determine the target directories for your files on your webserver. See below for more information about target directories.
Remote root directory: The remote root directory on your webserver used to determine the target directories for your files on your webserver. You can use an absolute or relative path here. See below for more information about target directories.
Determination of the target files paths
Example: | Local root directory: | D:\MyHTMLs\ | ||
Remote root directory: | public_html |
To determine the target directory for each file in the filelist, 40tude HTML will delete the "Local root directory" setting from each filename and then add the result to the "Remote root directory" setting.
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