Undo/redo function

Undo/redo function

All editing operations in the editor can be undone by pressing Ctrl+Z. An undone editing operations can be redone by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Z. Alternatively, this functionality is available from the "Edit" item on the main menu.

The group undo option that can be set through the "Edit" item on the main menu, groups editing operation logically. Without the group undo option set, an undo operation undoes the last keypress only, while with the group undo option set, an undo operation undoes a whole sequence of editing operation that logically belong together, e.g. the editing of a whole word or line. Group undo is recommended.

The standard behavior in Windows applications is that changes to a text can't be undone once a file is saved. To change this you can set the "Keep undo stack after save" option on the "Other options" page in the settings dialog.

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig
