

Q: " When I try to run Media Wizard, I get the following messages: DAX Error: ASPI MANAGER NOT AVAILABLE and CDH MEDIA WIZARD: RUN-TIME ERROR 50003. UNEXPECTED ERROR."

A: Your system is looking for an ASPI manager and you don't have one installed. Download and install this file to install one.


Q: "I am trying to play audio with CDH Media Wizard, but am not hearing anything. What should I do?"

A: In most cases, this is because drivers necessary for Media Wizard to function properly are not configured with your system. This configuration is done through the last process of the Media Wizard installation. It is recommended that you deinstall-and-reinstall Media Wizard in order to correct the condition. If your installation is corrupt (not completing successfully), you may always download the latest version. Please note: after the initial installation of Media Wizard, a Microsoft provided installation will begin. This installation must be completed in order to properly configure a driver codec necessary for Media Wizard to function properly.


Q: "Converting audio CD to MP3 or WAV does not seem to work. Nothing seems to be happening; no drive activity indication. What am I doing wrong?"

A: This issue has now been resolved with the release of Media Wizard 3.0! If you should encounter this problem, please contact for assistance as well as to report the occurrence.


Q: When selecting a RealAudio file, I am prompted to change the filename? Although this is not a problem, why must this be done?

A: With the newly enhanced audio procedures, Media Wizard is now capable of incredible performance. To facilitate this performance, Media Wizard uses a function which rejects the specific extension.


Q: "I have multiple media devices. Will this be a problem?"

A: No, not at all. In fact, you can select your preferred device from a drop-down list of all active CD-ROM drives. Great for those of us with CD-R or CD-RW drives!


Q: "How to I make it so that Media Wizard handles all my media files in Explorer and opening from other sources?"

A: From the Options menu, choose "Associate Supported File Types". Then select the formats you wish Media Wizard to handle. After clicking "Okay", all the selected media file formats will be properly associated with Media Wizard. You will now be able to double-click a media file in Explorer, and Media Wizard will open and play the file, for example.


If you have a question concerning Media Wizard, do not hesitate to E-mail CDH Productions. Your email will be answered, and, if your question is of relevance to others, it may be added to the FAQ section.



About Media Wizard

Supported Formats

System Requirements

Limitations of Unregistered Version

How to Register


Media Wizard Support


Using Media Wizard


Advanced Options

Controlling Playback

Advanced CD Controls

Deleting a File

Converting (Encoding) WAV to MP3

Converting (Decoding) MP3 to WAV

Creating MP3 files from CD Tracks

Creating WAV files from CD Tracks

Batch-converting WAVs
