Batch-converting WAVs
Media Wizard can batch-process WAV files, converting them from their current format into any specific single format. This feature is especially useful in cases where you would like to create MP3s from WAVs that are in strange WAV formats (compressed, for example) or are of sample depths and bitrates that don't encode into MP3 format directly.
Performing conversion on a number of WAVs at once is simple. The process is as simple as this:
- Press F4 at the player window, or click the Conversions menu and select WAV Batch-Conversion, to invoke the batch-conversion window. A screen-capture of this window is shown below.
- Load WAV file(s) using the load button, Edit/Add File(s) menu, or CTRL-A.
- Start the conversion process by clicking the File menu and selecting Convert File(s), or pressing CTRL-C.
- Select the format and compression type (if desired) and click OK. (A screen-capture of this window is shown below.) The batch process begins!