Batch-converting WAVs


Media Wizard can batch-process WAV files, converting them from their current format into any specific single format. This feature is especially useful in cases where you would like to create MP3s from WAVs that are in strange WAV formats (compressed, for example) or are of sample depths and bitrates that don't encode into MP3 format directly.


Performing conversion on a number of WAVs at once is simple. The process is as simple as this:






About Media Wizard

Supported Formats

System Requirements

Limitations of Unregistered Version

How to Register


Media Wizard Support


Using Media Wizard


Advanced Options

Controlling Playback

Advanced CD Controls

Deleting a File

Converting (Encoding) WAV to MP3

Converting (Decoding) MP3 to WAV

Creating MP3 files from CD Tracks

Creating WAV files from CD Tracks

Batch-converting WAVs
