

The first two items in the Options menu permit controlling Preferences and forcing the system to Associate Supported File Types. Screen-captures of the appropriate windows are shown below.



Preferences allow you to define the behavior of Media Wizard to suit your needs. The options that are controlled form that window are shown in the screen-capture above.


Associating media files with Associate Supported File Types enables Media Wizard to play and handle the selected media file formats when launched throughout your system, such as double-click in Explorer, open from external application, command line run, etc.



About Media Wizard

Supported Formats

System Requirements

Limitations of Unregistered Version

How to Register


Media Wizard Support


Using Media Wizard


Advanced Options

Controlling Playback

Advanced CD Controls

Deleting a File

Converting (Encoding) WAV to MP3

Converting (Decoding) MP3 to WAV

Creating MP3 files from CD Tracks

Creating WAV files from CD Tracks

Batch-converting WAVs
