

Media Wizard has its own playlist system for both audio and video files. Although what they play will differ, the interface and controls are the same. Either playlist may be invoked by pressing ALT-A (for audio) or ALT-V (for video), or by clicking the File menu on the main window and selecting the appropriate playlist. Screen-captures of both are shown below.



Media Wizard's Playlists support drag-and-drop operations. Adding files to the playlist is as simple as dragging them from Explorer, etc. to the Playlist window's white list area.


If you'd like to load several files but only play certain ones, you can. Simply load the files into a new playlist or load an existing playlist, and select individual files in the list to play.


The controls for both playlists are:

New - Create a new PlayList file.

Load - Load an existing PlayList file.

Save - Save the current PlayList configuration.

Add File(s) to PlayList - Select the files you wish to have in your PlayList.

Remove - Remove the selected item(s) from the PlayList.

Move Up/Down - Move the currently selected file up or down in the PlayList rankings accordingly.

Play - Toggle PlayList Play/Stop state. You may select the play range by simply selecting the desired file(s) you wish to be played.

Pause - Pause/Resume toggle of the currently playing media file. (will resume from current position)

Mute - Toggle Mute/Un-Mute state.

Seek Next/Previous - Play the Next or Previous file in your currently loaded PlayList configuration.

HotKey Information - Describes the HotKeys and functions associated with them.


A popup menu may be accessed at any time via a right-click to the file area for maximized speed, efficiency, and convenience!



About Media Wizard

Supported Formats

System Requirements

Limitations of Unregistered Version

How to Register


Media Wizard Support


Using Media Wizard


Advanced Options

Controlling Playback

Advanced CD Controls

Deleting a File

Converting (Encoding) WAV to MP3

Converting (Decoding) MP3 to WAV

Creating MP3 files from CD Tracks

Creating WAV files from CD Tracks

Batch-converting WAVs
