Image of logo.gif

1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Backgrounds
3.0 Objects
3.1 Images
3.2 Text
3.3 Stamps
4.0 How does it look?
5.0 Creating Links
6.0 Copying and Pasting
7.0 Using Tables
8.0 Using Forms
9.0 Plugins
10.0 Publish It!
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Stamps are objects too. However you cannot change the content of a stamp - in fact that's the point! A date stamp allows the visitor to see when you last made changes to your site and by dropping it somewhere on your canvas Splash! automatically places the date of the current update there.

  • use the menu system to navigate to INSERT => STAMP => DATE
  • now place the date stamp box at the bottomof the page, perhaps beneath the text