Image of logo.gif

1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Backgrounds
3.0 Objects
3.1 Images
3.2 Text
3.3 Stamps
4.0 How does it look?
5.0 Creating Links
6.0 Copying and Pasting
7.0 Using Tables
8.0 Using Forms
9.0 Plugins
10.0 Publish It!
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First, let's add some images.

  • select Image from the floating toolbar
  • select Browse from the Image Edit window
    (a file dialog will open allowing you to select *.GIF or *.JPG files. Once you have selected an image you will see a preview of it in the Image Edit window. In this window you can also edit the size of the image and the space to be left around the image to separate it from other objects.)
  • select ..beam\tutor\objects\bakers_title.gif
  • press OK to return to the main editing canvas to place your image.
  • You can place the image in one of three alignments: left, middle or right. Right click the image, select "Alignment", then choose your desired alignment.
  • Drag the image and drop it in the top left hand corner of the canvas.
    (You will notice that this image is very long. In fact it so long it probably stretches off the edge of your monitor, that's OK.)
  • now right click your mouse on the canvas and use the shortcut window to select Insert Image
  • select ..beam\tutor\objects\bakers_menu.gif and place the image directly below the first image and to the right.
Our example site is now really starting to take shape with only a few images and a background color change! All web sites however should have a message and while it's not always conveyed with text, this site uses text to introduce itself to its visitors. So let's add some text.