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1.0 Getting Started
1.1 using the Splash! wizard
1.2 learning the environment
1.3 opening a new project
1.4 customizing Splash!
1.5 add pages to a project
2.0 Backgrounds
3.0 Objects
4.0 How does it look?
5.0 Creating Links
6.0 Copying and Pasting
7.0 Using Tables
8.0 Using Forms
9.0 Plugins
10.0 Publish It!
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How to Add Pages to a Project

Because we have planned out our website before beginning (like all good website developers) we know that the project will consist of four more pages. Let's create these pages now.

  • click on the right-pointing arrow to the top left of the interface.
    (Generally this arrow button selects the next page in a project but because this was the last page you're given the option to add another page. If you don't want another page select Cancel)
  • enter "Products Page" into the Page Title field
  • select OK
  • repeat these steps and enter Page Titles of "New Products", "Feedback Page" and "Profile".
We now have five blank pages within our project.

Click on these other related features of Splash! for an explanation of how they can be applied.