Exception Summary |
BadInstallationException |
An improper InterClient/InterServer installed configuration has been detected. |
BlobIOException |
An exception has occurred while operating
on a blob stream. |
BugCheckException |
An internal program state inconsistency has been detected
and implies a bug in InterClient, InterServer or InterBase. |
CharacterEncodingException |
An invalid character encoding was encountered
in a string or character stream. |
ColumnConversionException |
Invalid result column conversion from JDBC SQL data
to requested Java type. |
ColumnIndexOutOfBoundsException |
An application is referring to a SQL result column index
which is out of bounds. |
CommunicationException |
Networked I/O subsystem communication failure. |
CorruptDatabaseException |
A database inconsistency has been detected which
may indicate a corrupt database. |
DataConversionException |
Invalid data conversion. |
DeadlockException |
A deadly embrace between two transactions has occurred in which
both transactions are waiting for each other to terminate. |
DriverNotCapableException |
Attempted use of an unsupported driver or database feature. |
EscapeSyntaxException |
Denotes improper X/Open CLI escape syntax. |
ExpiredDriverException |
InterClient or InterServer have expired and connections are refused. |
ExpiredDriverWarning |
A warning that InterClient or InterServer have expired, but will
continue to function. |
InvalidArgumentException |
An application is calling a method with improper argument(s). |
InvalidOperationException |
An application is calling a method out of context,
or in a manner not allowed according to the JDBC specification. |
LockConflictException |
A database lock conflict has occured. |
OutOfMemoryException |
InterBase or InterServer host memory has been exhausted. |
ParameterConversionException |
Invalid data conversion from user supplied
parameter data to JDBC SQL type. |
ParameterIndexOutOfBoundsException |
An application is referring to a prepared statement
parameter index which is out of bounds. |
RemoteProtocolException |
InterClient remote client/server communication protocol exception. |
SocketTimeoutException |
IO was interrupted while waiting to read data from server,
probably due to a connection timeout. |
UnauthorizedUserException |
Database or server operation is unauthorized for current user. |
UnavailableDatabaseFileException |
A given database file may not exist or is not writable by root/administrator. |
UnavailableInterBaseServerException |
InterServer is unable to locate the InterBase application or service. |
UnknownHostException |
A TCP/IP socket connection cannot be established
to an unknown host. |
UnlicensedComponentException |
An improperly licensed InterServer, InterClient, or InterBase component was detected. |
UnsupportedCharacterSetException |
Attempted use of an unsupported character encoding. |
UpdateConflictException |
A transaction is unable to update a row because it has
already been updated by a concurrent transaction. |
URLSyntaxException |
Denotes an improper database or server URL syntax. |