
Package interbase.interclient

Provides a pure Java JDBC client library and extensions for the InterBase RDBMS.


Interface Summary
Adaptor Provides a means to modify the standard behavior of an InterClient JDBC object.
Statistics Database memory and disk usage statistics for connections or servers.

Class Summary
Array Represents an SQL 3 Array.
Blob Represents an SQL 3 Binary Large Object (BLOb).
CallableStatement Represents an SQL stored procedure.
CharacterEncodings An enumeration of IANA character encodings supported by InterClient.
Clob Represents an SQL 3 Character Large Object (CLOb).
Connection Represents a database session and provides a factory for SQL statements.
ConnectionProperties Properties used to tailor a connection.
ConnectionStatistics Statistics about database page and record reads and writes for a connection.
DatabaseMetaData Provides information about the database or connection, as well as database capabilities.
Driver Represents a driver implementation and a factory for connections.
ErrorCodes An enumeration of InterClient error codes.
ParameterMetaData Describes input column information for the parameters of a prepared statement.
PreparedStatement Represents a precompiled SQL statement, possibly parameterized.
Resources Default resource bundle for InterClient error messages and hardwired text within the driver.
Resources_ru Russian resource bundle for InterClient.
ResultSet Represents a cursor for the results of a SQL query.
ResultSetMetaData Describes column information for a result set.
Server Represents a server session for administering an InterBase server.
ServerProperties Properties used to tailor a server connection.
ServerStatistics Statistics about database page reads and writes and other statistics for a server as a whole.
Statement A SQL container used for executing SQL, and a factory for result sets.

Exception Summary
BadInstallationException An improper InterClient/InterServer installed configuration has been detected.
BlobIOException An exception has occurred while operating on a blob stream.
BugCheckException An internal program state inconsistency has been detected and implies a bug in InterClient, InterServer or InterBase.
CharacterEncodingException An invalid character encoding was encountered in a string or character stream.
ColumnConversionException Invalid result column conversion from JDBC SQL data to requested Java type.
ColumnIndexOutOfBoundsException An application is referring to a SQL result column index which is out of bounds.
CommunicationException Networked I/O subsystem communication failure.
CorruptDatabaseException A database inconsistency has been detected which may indicate a corrupt database.
DataConversionException Invalid data conversion.
DeadlockException A deadly embrace between two transactions has occurred in which both transactions are waiting for each other to terminate.
DriverNotCapableException Attempted use of an unsupported driver or database feature.
EscapeSyntaxException Denotes improper X/Open CLI escape syntax.
ExpiredDriverException InterClient or InterServer have expired and connections are refused.
ExpiredDriverWarning A warning that InterClient or InterServer have expired, but will continue to function.
InvalidArgumentException An application is calling a method with improper argument(s).
InvalidOperationException An application is calling a method out of context, or in a manner not allowed according to the JDBC specification.
LockConflictException A database lock conflict has occured.
OutOfMemoryException InterBase or InterServer host memory has been exhausted.
ParameterConversionException Invalid data conversion from user supplied parameter data to JDBC SQL type.
ParameterIndexOutOfBoundsException An application is referring to a prepared statement parameter index which is out of bounds.
RemoteProtocolException InterClient remote client/server communication protocol exception.
SocketTimeoutException IO was interrupted while waiting to read data from server, probably due to a connection timeout.
UnauthorizedUserException Database or server operation is unauthorized for current user.
UnavailableDatabaseFileException A given database file may not exist or is not writable by root/administrator.
UnavailableInterBaseServerException InterServer is unable to locate the InterBase application or service.
UnknownHostException A TCP/IP socket connection cannot be established to an unknown host.
UnlicensedComponentException An improperly licensed InterServer, InterClient, or InterBase component was detected.
UnsupportedCharacterSetException Attempted use of an unsupported character encoding.
UpdateConflictException A transaction is unable to update a row because it has already been updated by a concurrent transaction.
URLSyntaxException Denotes an improper database or server URL syntax.

Package interbase.interclient Description

Provides a pure Java JDBC client library and extensions for the InterBase RDBMS.


Send comments or suggestions to icsupport@interbase.com