
Class UnavailableInterBaseServerException


public final class UnavailableInterBaseServerException
extends interbase.interclient.SQLException

InterServer is unable to locate the InterBase application or service.

If you are running InterBase as an application and not a service, then InterServer must also be running as an application and not a service.

From the InterServer configuration utility in the InterClient program group, first stop the InterServer service then change the server startup mode from "Service" to "Application". Finally start the InterServer application from the InterServer icon in the InterClient program group.

Make sure the InterBase Service is running and is using the correct version of gds32.dll. The gds32.dll in your system32 directory must be from the installed version of InterBase, and not a previously installed version.

The Delphi 1.0 version of InterBase will not work.

Local InterBase 4.1 will not run as a service on NT (this is ok, but you will have to run InterServer as an application). So, with Local InterBase 4.1, start the server by clicking on the icon in your program group. Once you see the icon, use one of the InterBase tools to try and connect to it (ServerManager might be the easiest one).

If you can not connect to InterBase at this point, then make sure:


The error code associated with this exception is isc_unavailable from the InterBase ibase.h file.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Methods inherited from class java.sql.SQLException
getErrorCode, getNextException, getSQLState, setNextException
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Send comments or suggestions to icsupport@interbase.com