
Class Resources


public class Resources
extends ListResourceBundle

Default resource bundle for InterClient error messages and hardwired text within the driver.

This is the default (English) resource bundle. You can provide your own locale-specific bundle with an ISO language suffix appended to the class name for your language. Additional or replacement locale-specific resource bundles must reside in the interbase.interclient package.

The driver locates the appropriate resource bundle for your locale by using

Using the ClassLoader, this call in turn looks for the appropriate bundle as a .class file in the following order based on your locale:
  1. Resources_language_country_variant
  2. Resources_language_country
  3. Resources_language
  4. Resources (this is the default bundle shipped with InterClient)

Instructions for customizing resources for your locale:
Follow these instructions only if a resource bundle for your locale is not already included in the InterClient distribution. You may also request the java source file for this Resources class by mailing icsupport@interbase.com. Having the Resources.java source file will save you from having to call getContents() as described below.

  1. Get the contents from this Resources class by calling getContents(). Set aside for translation; write the contents, including keys and text, to a file or printer for translation.
  2. Create a Resources_*.java class for your locale with translated text. Be sure the class is public, extends java.util.ListResourceBundle and and is in the package interbase.interclient. For example:
     // A French language resource bundle for InterClient.
     package interbase.interclient;
     public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle 
       // Contains the translated text for each resource key from default Resources contents.
       static private final Object[][] contents = 
         {"1", "Mot de passe incorrect"}, // The password is incorrect
         {"2", "Saisie du mot de passe"}, // Enter your password
         {"98", "Quitter"} // Exit 
       public Object[][] getContents() 
         return contents;
  3. Use jar xvf interclient.jar to extract the InterClient class files, and include your new Resources_fr.class in the interbase/interclient directory. Use jar cvf0 interclient.jar interbase borland to archive all the files back into a new interclient.jar file. Class directories interbase/interclient, interbase/interclient/utils and borland/jdbc should all be archived by this command.

    Alternatively, modify the separate resource archive interclient-res.jar, and include both interclient-core.jar, interclient-res.jar, and optionally interclient-utils.jar in your classpath. For more information on jar, refer to the documentation for your Java Development Kit.

Note for bundle designers: All resource strings are processed by java.text.MessageFormat.format(), so all occurrences of the {, } and ' characters in resource strings must be delimited with quotes as '{', or '}' for the { and } characters, and '' for the ' character. For details see the Sun javadocs for class java.text.MessageFormat.

Extension, since 1.50
See Also:
Locale, ResourceBundle, java.text.MessageFormat

Fields inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
Method Summary
 Object[][] getContents()
          Extract an array of key, resource pairs for this bundle.
Methods inherited from class java.util.ListResourceBundle
getKeys, handleGetObject
Methods inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getLocale, getObject, getString, getStringArray, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Object[][] getContents()
Extract an array of key, resource pairs for this bundle.
getContents in class ListResourceBundle
Extension, since 1.50


Send comments or suggestions to icsupport@interbase.com