
Class CharacterEncodings


public final class CharacterEncodings
extends Object

An enumeration of IANA character encodings supported by InterClient. A complete list of IANA encodings may be found at ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/character-sets.

The InterBase name for the IANA character encoding may be obtained by calling getInterBaseCharacterSetName().

Any of the following character encodings may be specified on connection using the charSet connection property. It is strongly recommended to use one of the static final variables below rather than using hardwired encoding names in your application. The actual encoding names represented by these variables could change from one release to the next.

Extension, since 1.50
See Also:

Field Summary
static String _8859_1
          ISO Latin-1.
static String Big5
          Big 5 Chinese for Taiwan Multi-byte set.
static String Cp1250
          Windows Eastern Europe/Latin-2.
static String Cp1251
          Windows Cyrillic.
static String Cp1252
          Windows Western Europe/Latin-1.
static String Cp1253
          Windows Greek.
static String Cp1254
          Windows Turkish.
static String Cp437
          PC Original.
static String Cp850
          PC Latin-1.
static String Cp852
          PC Latin-2.
static String Cp857
          PC Turkish.
static String Cp860
          PC Portuguese.
static String Cp861
          PC Icelandic.
static String Cp863
          PC Canadian French.
static String Cp865
          PC Nordic.
static String EUCJIS
          Japanese Extended Unix Code (EUC).
static String GB2312
          Simplified Chinese for People's Republic of China.
static String KSC5601
static String NONE
          The default encoding is no encoding at all.
static String SJIS
          PC and Windows Japanese.
static String UTF8
          Standard UTF-8.
Method Summary
static String getInterBaseCharacterSetName(String encoding)
          Return the InterBase character set name for a supported Java encoding name.
static String[] getSupportedEncodings()
          Return an array of all Java encodings supported by the driver.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String NONE
The default encoding is no encoding at all. Represents the value "NONE".

If an encoding is not specified using the charSet connection property, an attachment will use the InterBase default NONE character set. The NONE character set attachment specifies that data is processed as is with no conversions. The default encoding for your locale is not used. Because conversions are not performed and no particular encoding is enforced, all SQL and SQL data is interpreted byte-wise as the low order byte of a Java Unicode 2-byte character. Therefore, all SQL and character data should be restricted to ASCII when connecting to an InterBase server using the default NONE character set.

Extension, since 1.50


public static final String _8859_1
ISO Latin-1. Represents the IANA name and preferred MIME name "ISO-8859-1". The InterBase character set name is "ISO8859_1". The Java encoding name is "8859_1".

An 8-bit encoding that supports many latin languages, including Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Scottish, Spanish, and Swedish.

Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Big5
Big 5 Chinese for Taiwan Multi-byte set. Represents the IANA name and preferred MIME name "Big5". The InterBase character set name is "BIG_5". The Java encoding name is "Big5". Also known as "csBig5".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp1250
Windows Eastern Europe/Latin-2. Represents the IANA name "windows-1250". The InterBase character set name is "WIN1250". The Java encoding name is "Cp1250";
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp1251
Windows Cyrillic. Represents the IANA name "windows-1251". The InterBase character set name is "WIN1251". The Java encoding name is "Cp1251".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp1252
Windows Western Europe/Latin-1. Represents the IANA name "windows-1252". The InterBase character set name is "WIN1252". The Java encoding name is "Cp1252".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp1253
Windows Greek. Represents the IANA name "windows-1253". The InterBase character set name is "WIN1253". The Java encoding name is "Cp1253".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp1254
Windows Turkish. Represents the IANA name "windows-1254". The InterBase character set name is "WIN1254". The Java encoding name is "Cp1254".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp437
PC Original. Represents the IANA name "IBM437". The InterBase character set name is "DOS437". The Java encoding name is "Cp437".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp850
PC Latin-1. Represents the IANA name "IBM850". The InterBase character set name is "DOS850". The Java encoding name is "Cp850".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp852
PC Latin-2. Represents the IANA name "IBM852". The InterBase character set name is "DOS852". The Java encoding name is "Cp852".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp857
PC Turkish. Represents the IANA name "IBM857". The InterBase character set name is "DOS857". The Java encoding name is "Cp857".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp860
PC Portuguese. Represents the IANA name "IBM860". The InterBase character set name is "DOS860". The Java encoding name is "Cp860".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp861
PC Icelandic. Represents the IANA name "IBM861". The InterBase character set name is "DOS861". The Java encoding name is "Cp861".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp863
PC Canadian French. Represents the IANA name "IBM863". The InterBase character set name is "DOS863". The Java encoding name is "Cp863".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String Cp865
PC Nordic. Represents the IANA name "IBM865". The InterBase character set name is "DOS865". The Java encoding name is "Cp865".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String EUCJIS
Japanese Extended Unix Code (EUC). Represents the IANA name "Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese", and preferred MIME name "EUC-JP". The InterBase character set name is "EUCJ_0208". The Java encoding name is "EUCJIS".

A double 7-bit byte set, restricted to A0-FF in both bytes

Extension, since 1.50


public static final String GB2312
Simplified Chinese for People's Republic of China. Represents the IANA name and preferred MIME name "GB2312". The InterBase character set name is "GB_2312". The Java encoding name is "GB2312".

A mixed one byte, two byte set:

 20-7E = one byte ASCII
 A1-FE = two byte PRC Kanji
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String KSC5601
Korean. Represents the IANA name "KS_C_5601-1987". The InterBase character set name is also "KSC_5601". The Java encoding name is "KSC5601".
Extension, since 1.50


public static final String SJIS
PC and Windows Japanese. Represents the IANA name and preferred MIME name "Shift_JIS". The InterBase character set name is "SJIS_0208". The Java encoding name is "SJIS". Also known as "MS_Kanji".

A Microsoft code that extends csHalfWidthKatakana to include kanji by adding a second byte when the value of the first byte is in the ranges 81-9F or E0-EF.

Extension, since 1.50


public static final String UTF8
Standard UTF-8. Represents the IANA name "UTF-8". The InterBase character set name is "UNICODE_FSS". The Java encoding name is "UTF8".

UTF-8 is a 1 to 3 byte universal encoding of 2-byte Unicode in which ASCII has a one byte representation. That is, unlike 2-byte Unicode, ASCII is a subset of UTF-8. This makes UTF-8 a File-Safe encoding, and is therefore known as File System Safe Unicode, or Unicode FSS.

Extension, since 1.50
Method Detail


public static String getInterBaseCharacterSetName(String encoding)
                                           throws SQLException
Return the InterBase character set name for a supported Java encoding name.
SQLException - if the IANA encoding is not supported.
Extension, since 1.50


public static String[] getSupportedEncodings()
Return an array of all Java encodings supported by the driver. Driver support for an encoding does not necessarily imply database support for the encoding. Database support for particular encodings will depend on the version of InterBase being used.
Extension, since 1.50


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