Move an account from one financial institution to another
If this account is no longer held at a financial institution, click Not held at a financial institution.
Why would I want to move an account?
You might want to move an account in order to use Online Services. Because you can only set up Online Services for accounts assigned to financial institutions in Money, if you did not designate a financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.) when you created the account, you need to move it into one in order to use Online Services. If the financial institution you want doesnÆt appear here, you can create it when you move the account.
Can I move an online enabled account?
If the account is set up for Direct Financial Services (Services provided by your financial institution that allow you to do common banking tasks from your computer via a direct connection with the financial institutionÆs computer.), you must disable those services before you can move the account. If it is set up for only Web Financial Services (The ability to do common banking tasks from your computer on a Web site provided by your financial institution.), then you can move it without restriction.
Select the financial institution where the account is held, and then click New Account. If the financial institution isnÆt listed, you can create it when you create the account. If the account is not held at a financial institution (an asset account for example), click New Account, and then choose Not held at a financial institution on the first screen of the New Account wizard.
How do I cancel Direct Financial Services?
How do I cancel Web Financial Services?
How do I find out what Online Services my financial institution offers?