Because Web Financial Services (The ability to do common banking tasks from your computer on a Web site provided by your financial institution.) are provided by your financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.) over the Internet, you donÆt need to do anything in Money to cancel it.
However, if your financial institution charges a fee for banking on the Web, and you donÆt plan to use the service any more, you should call your financial institution and ask them to cancel the service at their end to avoid unnecessary charges. You can find the number on the Contact Information screen in the Online Financial Services place.
To get to this information, click Online in the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.), double-click the financial institution in the list, and then click Contact Information in the left pane.
How do I set up Online Services in Money?
How do I cancel Direct Financial Services in Money?
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