Cancel Direct Financial Services

1  To avoid unnecessary service charges, call your financial institution and ask to cancel the services. You can find the number in the Contact Information place (in the Online area).
2  On the navigation bar, click Online.
3  Double-click the financial institution you want to cancel services for.
4  In the left pane, click Online Setup, and then click Change Direct Services.

What if I donÆt see Change Direct Services?

5  In the Direct Services Setup wizard, click Modify Online Services for an account.
6  Select the account you want to cancel services for.
7  Uncheck the Direct Bill Payment and/or Direct Statements check boxes.
8  Read the warning message, and then click Yes.
9  Unless you want to set up, modify, or cancel another account at the same bank, click No, I'm finished and follow the instructions.

Remember, if you have multiple accounts enabled for Direct Financial Services at one financial institution, you must cancel services for each account using the steps outlined above.

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