Read some Online Financial Services Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I find out what Online Services are available to me?
Once you have an account set up in Money, go to the Online Financial Services place (click Online in the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.)) and double-click the account in the Online Financial Services Manager. In the left pane, click Online Setup, and then click Investigate Offerings. Money then connects directly to the Internet (or dials a toll-free number, if you don't have Internet access) so that you can find out what Online Services (Services provided by your bank or financial institution that allow you to do common banking tasks from your computer via either the Web or a direct connection with them. Money offers four types of Online Services: Web Financial Service, Direct Bill Payment, Direct Statements, and online quotes.) are offered by your financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.), what they cost, and how to sign up.
What are the possible Online Services available?
Money offers four types of Online Services:
Are E-bills an Online Service?
While E-bills (A bill you receive and pay over the Internet. Same as electronic bill.) (electronic bills) are delivered to you at a secure, private Web site, they are not a part of the Online Services included in the Online area of Money 99. You sign up for E-bills independently of the other Online Services in the Bills & Deposits place.
WhatÆs the difference between Web and Direct Financial Services?
The primary difference between Web and Direct Financial Services has to do with where you complete your banking tasks and how much of the process Money handles automatically.
With Web Financial Services, you connect to the Internet and work on your financial institutionÆs Web site, and then download the information into Money.
With Direct Financial Services, you complete your banking tasks in Money and then send the information to your financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.) through a direct connection with their banking computer. The information exchange happens automatically while you wait.
What are the requirements for using Online Services?
For Web Financial Services, you need a modem (Short for modulator/demodulator, a communications device that enables a computer to send or receive information over a standard telephone line.), Internet access, and an account at a participating financial institution.
For Direct Financial Services, you need a modem and, depending on the Direct Financial Services you sign up for, a checking account at either the selected financial institution (for Direct Statements (A Direct Financial Service that allows you to download online statements directly and securely from your financial institution, and depending on your financial institution, transfer money electronically between accounts.)) or any financial institution in the U.S. (for Direct Bill Payment (A Direct Financial Service that allows you to pay bills electronically, which can be used with any checking account in the U.S. After you set up Direct Bill Payment at your financial institution, you can have money electronically debited from your account and your financial institution will send that money to your designated payee.)).
How much do the different Online Services cost?
The cost varies depending on your financial institution and which services you use.
Go to the Online area (click Online in the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.)) and double-click the account in the Online Financial Services Manager. In the left pane, click Online Setup, and then click Read Signup Info to find out about the fees at your financial institution for different Direct Financial Services.
To find out about Web Financial Services, connect to the financial institutionÆs Web Financial Services Web site by clicking Get Statements in the Connect place (in Online Financial Services) for this financial institution.
I donÆt have an Internet Service Provider. Can I still get on the Internet through Money?
Unless Money came with your computer or you downloaded it from the Internet, it's easy to sign up for two hours of free Internet access a month with the Microsoft Network. Just install MSN, and then click the icon on your Windows desktop.
Tell me about getting MSN free for a year.
If you have Internet access, click Help, point to Microsoft on the Web, then select the Microsoft Money Home Page. This Web site contains a regularly updated list of financial institutions that offer Online Services.
Unless Money came with your computer or you downloaded it from the Internet, if you don't have Internet access, it's easy to sign up for two hours of free Internet access a month with the Microsoft Network. Just install MSN, and then click the MSN icon on your Windows desktop.
Tell me about getting MSN free for a year.
Yes, as long as those financial institutions support some variation of Online Services. You can use Direct Statements through any institution that provides the service. For Direct Bill Payment (paying bills only), you can sign up for the service through any participating institution. You can use Web Financial Services with any institution that provides a Web Financial Services transactional Web site.
Can I use Direct Bill Payment even if my financial institution is not online?
Yes. Direct Bill Payment works with any financial institution in the U. S. If your financial institution doesnÆt support Direct Bill Payment directly, you can sign up through a third-party provider.
Go to the Online Financial Services place (click Online in the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.)) and double-click the account in the Online Financial Services Manager. In the left pane, click Online Setup, and then click Investigate Offerings to find out what providers are available to you.
I used to use online services with Quicken. What do I need to do to use those services with Money?
Call your financial institution. Most likely, you'll need to cancel your Quicken Online Banking and sign up again in Money by clicking Online Setup in the left pane of the Online area for that financial institution. The customer service representative at your financial institution can help you cancel your Quicken services and ensure that you don't get billed twice.
Before you cancel Quicken Online Banking, you might want to make sure that any outstanding electronic transactions have been paid.
Call your financial institution to find out if it offers both Direct Statements and Direct Bill Payment through Money 99. If it does, it's a good idea to cancel your existing Direct Bill Payment service. Next, click Online Setup in the left pane of the Online Financial Services place for this financial institution to sign up for both services through your financial institution.
You don't have to cancel your existing Direct Bill Payment service just because you want to add Direct Statements, but you'll probably find it more convenient in the long run. If you sign up for both services through the same provider (your financial institution), you can take care of both Direct Statements and Direct Bill Payment with a single phone call.
How do I cancel my Direct Bill Payment service?
How do I get help with my Direct Statements and Direct Bill Payment?
At the top of Money Help, click New Search to see a list of the top five or six help topics for the place you're currently viewing in Money. If you donÆt see what you want in that list, type your question in the box at the bottom of Money Help, and click Search.
For example, you might type: When will my Epay get to the person I sent it to?
Money will display a list of help topics that relate to your question. If you still donÆt find what you need, you can get immediate assistance by clicking Contact Information in the left pane of the Online area for your financial institution and calling the phone number listed.
If you use Direct Statements or Direct Bill Payment, you can also click Write Letter in the Connect place in the Online area. A customer service representative from your financial institution will answer your question within the next two or three business days.
Click Update Contact Information at the bottom of the Contact Information place. Provided your modem is working properly, Money will connect to the Internet and download current information for this financial institution. You may need to manually connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) (An Internet Service Provider performs the actual connection to the Internet for you. Typically, your ISP will give you a phone number to dial using your modem.) first depending on your system configuration.
Can I pay all my bills with Direct Bill Payment or Web payments?
Just about. The only payments you can't make are those that must be accompanied by an official form, for example, tax payments or court-directed payments. Typical payments such as utility bills, mortgage, and other loan payments require only an account number.
If you use Direct Bill Payment (A Direct Financial Service that allows you to pay bills electronically, which can be used with any checking account in the U.S. After you set up Direct Bill Payment at your financial institution, you can have money electronically debited from your account and your financial institution will send that money to your designated payee.), Money asks you for this information the first time you create the payment. For a Web Payment (A payment entered on your financial institutionÆs Web Financial Service Web site. Web payments are sent to your financial institution via the Internet and you can download the details of the transaction into your Money account through your online statement.), you need to remember to enter this information when you create the payment on your financial institutionÆs Web Financial Services Web site.
What about payments to individuals?
You can use Money to send a check to anyone in the U. S. if you have their address.
WhatÆs the difference between paying a bill with an Epay and paying an E-bill?
Paying E-bills doesnÆt require you to create an Epay or even to have signed up for Direct Bill Payment. It does, however, require that your biller deliver your bill electronically to your E-bill Web site. Once your bill is delivered, you simply log on to your E-bill Web site and pay the bill there.
Paying bills with an Epay requires both a checking account in the U.S. and Direct Bill Payment, but not any special relationship with your biller. You just create the Epay in Money (making sure to include all required information like address and account number), and then send it to your Direct Bill Payment provider.
Are Direct Statements and Direct Bill Payment secure?
Yes, they use an encryption technology similar to what's used in automatic teller machines (ATMs). Just keep your online password private, and no one will be able to access your information.
How do I pay for the services?
Typically, service fees are deducted from your account on a monthly basis and are reflected on your account statement. You can learn more about how your institution handles its fees when you sign up.
Will online payments appear on my bank/credit union statement?
Yes. Payments made either over the Web or with Direct Bill Payment will show up on your monthly statement (both your paper statement and your electronic one, if you download (When you make an online connection to a bank, financial institution or Web site requesting information (such as a stock quote or bank statement), that information is transmitted over the Internet, or ôdownloadedö, to your computer. You can then use that information in your Money file.) online statements (Electronic lists of the transactions that have cleared your financial institution. The information is similar to the information in your paper statement, and you can use it to update your account records electronically. Online statements are available through both Web and direct banking in Money.)). You can compare this information to your Money records.
What do I do if a payment doesn't arrive on time?
If you sent the payment with Direct Bill Payment, go to the Online Financial Services Manager (click Online in the navigation bar (The strip at the top of the Money screen where you can click to go to the different areas in Money.)) and double-click the account you sent the payment from. In the left pane, click Payments in Progress.
In the list of payments, select the payment you want to ask about, and then click the Payment Status button at the bottom of the screen. In the Payment Status dialog box, click Ask About this Payment, and then follow the instructions.
For Web payments, log on to your financial institutionÆs Web Financial Services Web site and request information from there. For either service, however, you can use the Customer Service number listed on the Contact Information screen in the Online Financial Services place.
What do I do with my utility payment coupon/stub?
Money lets you include an account number with your payment so that you don't need to include the payment coupon. You can save them for your records or throw them away.
Do I have to re-enter address information every time I pay someone?
If you use Direct Bill Payment, the first time you make a payment to a particular payee, you enter the payment address and your account number. From that point on, you enter only the payment amount and due date; Money fills in the rest of the information for you.
For a Web payment (A payment entered on your financial institutionÆs Web Financial Service Web site. Web payments are sent to your financial institution via the Internet and you can download the details of the transaction into your Money account through your online statement.), this capability depends on your financial institutionÆs Web Financial Services Web site.
Can I still use my current checks?
Yes. Using online payments is like having a second checkbook for the same account. Depending on your bank, payments made either with Direct Bill Payment or on the Web Financial Services Web site might be assigned special check numbers that distinguish them from your regular bank checks.
If I use online statements, can I get access to all my accounts?
All participating banks provide access to at least checking and savings accounts. You might also be able to access other accounts, such as credit card, money market, or loan accounts. Check with your bank for the types of accounts enabled for this service.
Can I download statements from my brokerage firm?
Yes. Downloading brokerage firm statements is just like downloading regular bank statements. If you have an investment account for which you want to download statements electronically, simply go to the Online Setup screen in the Online Financial Services place and click Investigate Offerings to get started.
Can I transfer money to another financial institution?
Transfer capabilities vary. Depending on your financial institution, you might be able to transfer money to another financial institution, and even to another person at another financial institution. To find out more about the transfer features offered, call the financial institution phone number listed on the Contact Information screen in the Online area.
What's the difference between Automatic Payments (Apays) and Automatic Transactions?
Apays must be scheduled in the Bills & Deposits area with the Manual Entry method, require Direct Bill Payment, and are entered into your Account Register only when you connect to the Direct Bill Payment provider. An example of an Apay might be your rent.
Automatic transactions (entered in Bills & Deposits with the Automatic Entry method) involve an arrangement with your financial institution, not Money's Direct Bill Payment service, and do not require the use of any Online Services. An example of an automatic transaction might be a direct debit (A withdrawal transaction that is directly subtracted from your account.) from your account to pay for your Internet access.
How do I start getting and paying my bills online?
To start getting E-bills, go to the Bills & Deposits place in Money, click E-bill in the left pane, and then click Set Up. This starts a wizard which will help you find an E-bill provider and take you to the correct Web page to sign up.
How do I stop getting E-bills?
You need to contact your E-bill provider to do this. Go to the Bills & Deposits place in Money, click E-bill in the left pane, and then click Log On. This will take you to the logon page of your E-bill Web site and you can find contact information there. You will also want to break any links you have created between bills you set up in Money and E-bills delivered to this E-bill Web site. Just delete the bill in the Set up Bills & Deposits place and then recreate the bill selecting the new, appropriate Payment Method in the wizard.
Tell me more about Epays, Apays, Web payments, Xfers, E-bills and automatic transactions..