Niggle - Scrabble for the Palm Pilot
What is Niggle?
Niggle is the popular board game, Scrabble, for the Palm Pilot.
Features include:
1 to 4 human or computer players
80000+ word official scrabble dictionary with all words from 2 to 8 letters
Intuitive interface
Turn timer
Score history
Game history (keep previously played games)
Computer suggest move
Show last move
What's new in version 1.3?
- In version 1.3.2, there is colour support for the Palm IIIc
- New dummy computer player is easier than easy
- Niggle now works in Flash ROM
- Better computer progress meter
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements
- Updated documentation
- A new cut-down SIMPLE dictionary is available for casual players
Where can I get it?
Problems? Contact me (Steve