Menu options
The menu options are divided into two sections.
Game menu items which related to the current game (or a new game).
Show menu items which are not related to the current game.
Game -> New Game
See Starting a new game
Game -> Suggest Move
If playing in friendly mode, and if Suggest Move was enabled when
the game is started, then this option tells the computer to suggest a move.
Generally this will be the highest scoring move available.
Game -> Score History
Shows the score for each turn during the current game.
Note that a shortcut for this option is to tap on players' names/scores.
This option is still valid after the game is finished. In this case
it shows scores for the game just finished.
Game -> Preferences
See Preferences
Show -> Tile Distribution
This option displays the initial distribution of tiles along with the tiles'
Show -> Lookup Word
If playing in friendly mode and the dictionary is installed, arbitrary
words may be looked up in the dictionary.
Multiple words may be looked up by changing the word and pressing Lookup
each time.
Press Done to return to the main screen.
Show -> Board Legend
Shows the legend for the bonus squares on the board.
Show -> Game History
If Keep History is enabled in Preferences, games are stored when
they complete.
This option allows previously stored games to be displayed.
The most recently saved game is displayed at the bottom of the list.
If there are more games than will fit on the screen, scroll arrows
will appear.
The game history may be cleared by pressing the Clear button.
To show a detailed view of a saved game, tap on the game.
Scroll arrows can be used to scroll through the saved games.
Use the List button to return to list mode, or OK to return
to the main screen.