The Main Screen
The following picture shows the main Niggle screen.
The various elements of the screen are explained below.
The Board
The scrabble board takes up most of the screen. This is where words are
Bonus squares (double letter score, triple word score etc.) are indicated
by special symbols.
(Use Board Legend in the menu to show
the symbol for the bonus squares)
The Rack
The rack is shown at the bottom of the screen. Usually it shows the tiles
in the current player's rack.
The Buttons
The buttons down the right hand side of the screen allow various operations
to be performed during a game.
Done - After placing a word, indicates that your turn is complete.
Hide/Show - Hides or Shows the rack.
Undo - Returns any placed tiles to the rack.
Trade/Pass - Allows tiles to be traded instead of playing a word.
Score - Shows the score for each formed word and whether each is a valid
Last - Shows the tiles played and the score for the previous turn.
Status Information
Underneath the buttons, game status information is shown.
Value - Shows the value of any placed tiles.
Tiles - Indicates how many tiles remain in the bag.
Turn Timer - If enabled, shows how long since the start of the current
player's turn.
Computer Thinking Progress - While the computer is thinking, indicates
Player's Names & Scores
At the top right of the screen the players' names and scores are shown.
The current player is highlighted.
(Note that if there are more than two players, only two players are
shown at any one time).
This area may also be used as a shortcut to the Score History. Tap anywhere
in this area to show the Score History.
The Menu
Use the Palm Menu button to gain access to various menu options including,
starting a new game, showing the tile distribution and looking up arbitrary
words in the dictionary.
See Menu options