
Preferences may be set via the Game->Preferences menu option.

Preferences may be set at any time and take effect immediately.

Enable Turn Timer

The turn timer is off by default. Enabling it shows a timer in the lower right hand corner of the main screen indicating how long the current turn has taken. (This is useful if your opponent(s) take too long.) The timer continues even while another application is active or the Palm Pilot is switched off.

Keep Game History

At the end of each game, the players' names and scores and the board may be saved by setting this option.
Previously saved games may be viewed using the Show->Game History option.

See Pilot Think

Turn this option off if you don't want to see the computer thinking.

Beep After Pilot Turn

Normally, with this option enabled, the computer will beep after its turn. If you find this annoying, disable hit here.