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Stop all military hostilities against Yugoslavia: Joint Statement of SYNASPISMOS and BULGARIAN SOCIALIST PARTY Presidents
Sofia, April 7,1999)

SYNASPISMOS' INITIATIVE FOR PEACE IN THE BALKANS: Synaspismos' Delegation visit Belgrade: Successive meetings with Yugoslavia's leaders on April 6, 1999

Statement of Synaspismos' President regarding the Kosovo crisis
(March 23, 1999)

The Kurdish question at the door of Europe
(November, 1998)

Left Parties from Greece, Cyprus and Turkey in favour of peaceful solution to the Cyprus issue
(May, 1998)

Chance for Peace
(February, 1998)

Cyprus Issue Today: moving towards solution?
Conference organised by SYN on 10-11, Dec. 1997

Statement by N.Constantopoulos on the decisions of the Amsterdam Intergovernmental Conference
(June, 1997)

Statement by N.Constantopoulos on the Balkan Leaders Summit Meeting
(November 1997)

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Proposal by Synaspismos President N.Constantopoulos for the mutual, drastic and balanced reduction of military budgets and armaments between Greece and Turkey
(Aug.25, 1999)

European Conference for Peace in the Balkans organised by SYNASPISMOS on April 23-24, 1999:

The 25 delegates, representing left parties and international non-governmental organisations, who met in Athens on the invitation of Synaspismos for a "European Conference for Peace in the Balkans" decided to co-ordinate their activities on a pan-European level and co-signed an APPEAL FOR PEACE IN YUGOSLAVIAPEACE NOW IN THE BALKANS !

It is within this framework that the 8th May, day of the termination of the 2nd World War, was proclaimed a PAN-EUROPEAN DAY OF ACTION FOR PEACE . The Conference also decided to co-ordinate with the pan-American demonstration scheduled to take place on the 5th of June in Washington.

ANTI-WAR MARCH by Synaspismos March for Peace in Kosovo organized by Synaspismos on April 25,1999

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15th Meeting of NELF hosted by Synaspismos in Athens (Dec.10-12,1998):
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13th Meeting of NELF hosted by Synaspismos in Athens (Nov.21-23,1997):



Contact Information of the International Relations Department of SYNASPISMOS
telephone (01) 3378522  - (01) 3378523
fax: (01) 3217003