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Loading Setup Configurations

There are five ways to get a setup file into NetSwitcher.

1. Invoke NetSwitcher, select a Network Adapter, press the LOAD button, choose a setup file, press the APPLY button.

2. Invoke NetSwitcher, select a Network Adapter, drag a “.nsw” file onto the NetSwitcher window, press the APPLY button.

3. Drag a “nsw” file onto the NetSwitcher application icon, choose a Network Adapter, press the APPLY button.

4. Double click on a “.nsw” file, choose a Network Adapter, press the APPLY button.

5. From the command shell type: netsw setup.nsw, choose a Network Adapter, press the APPLY button.

It’s up to you, use the method you are most comfortable with. Note that no changes are made unless you press the APPLY button.

NOTE: The Done button only quits the application.