Introduction | Installation | Creating Setup Files | Loading Setup Files | Licensing | FAQ | About the Author
NetSwitcher for Windows
What is NetSwitcher?
NetSwitcher is a utility which addresses a
problem in Windows 95 which afflicts users who need to connect to
more than one network. For example, if you regularly work in two
different locations and use a notebook computer with an Ethernet
card, you may need to have different IP addresses, netmasks,
gateways, hostname, etc… Microsoft’s Network Control
Panel allows you to change these but it is a manual, time
consuming, and error prone process. NetSwitcher solves
this problem by “memorizing” your networking setups and
allowing you to restore them when you need to change hookups. If
your new setup requires a reboot, NetSwitcher will
prompt you to reboot. If, however, a reboot is not required, then
unlike the Network Control Panel, no reboot will be requested.
Remember that if a reboot is required it is because Windows 95
requires the reboot before the changes you made are effective.
Please direct any complaints about this to Microsoft directly.
NetSwitcher also solves a problem with
Microsoft’s Dial-Up Networking utility in Windows 95. If you
have more than one ISP (Internet Service Provider) where you have
to use a different domain name server (DNS) for each one, then NetSwitcher
will change this part of your setup for you without
requiring a reboot. You may say, “Oh, the Dial-Up Networking
connection setup menu has a place for me to specify the DNS
address for each connection. Why can’t I just use
that?” Well, you can use that, but it doesn’t work if
you have a DNS server configured in the NETWORK Control Panel. So
you need to change your Network Control Panel settings each time
you want to use a different ISP, and do a reboot for it to take
effect. Or, you can use NetSwitcher to change
this setting for you. If you don’t use a LAN based DNS
server, then you can leave the DNS server in the NETWORK Control
Panel blank and the Dial-Up Networking utility will work for you.
NetSwitcher is a SHAREWARE program and is Copyright ©
1996 by J. W. Hance. It is distributed freely for your
evaluation. You are granted a 15 day temporary license so that
you may evaluate NetSwitcher in your environment. After that
time, the evaluation license expires and you then have two
1. You may discontinue using NetSwitcher and you are under no
further obligation.
2. You may license NetSwitcher by paying the license fee.